Thursday, January 30, 2020
A Streetcar named disire Essay Example for Free
A Streetcar named disire Essay Blanche is an extremely volatile, and is physically and emotionally insecure character to say the least. Her instabilities range from excessive vanity, to a need for alcohol, and a need to find unconditional love. Indeed, one could say that Blanche was a brought up as a prim and proper lady, yet in reality, like the white she is often referred to, time has tainted her. Prior to Blanches introduction, an atmosphere is set that is greatly linked to Blanche, while set in Elysian fields the setting is quite different to its name. Primarily, the houses have a white frame, weathered gray implying innocence lost. This idea is set many times throughout the course of this play in relation to Blanche. Even in the introduction, this idea is used a number of times with phrases like; faded white stairs, the dim white building. An atmosphere of decay is depicted through out the play with the colour brown. Be it the brown river, or even the whiskey Blanche relies on, brown tends to symbolize negative facts. This taps into another idea, one could also say that colour plays a big part for blanche, as it does not only coincide with her love of fashion, but the book lets it, and music display emotions felt in specific parts of scenes. This is evident especially by the music playing in the background, the blue piano. This music instills a degree of melancholy on the reader, and as the title suggests (and similarly to the Blues) is a depiction of morbidity in the atmosphere, and yet it is only present to Blanche. Even in the initial dialogue of the play, sexual innuendoes appear in abundance. This is initially in the form of an icy cold wave up and down her and the vendor shouting Red hot! Phallic metaphors are used in the description of Meat, and are relevant to Stella and Stanleys relationship (focused on immediately after) as it is a very sexually charged, and is a somewhat animalistic relationship. On Blanches arrival, in a state of shocked disbelief (due to the inconceivable surroundings she is in), she is dressed in a white suit with ear-rings of pearl and white gloves, stating her mask of white purity. With this exposition, her age is revealed, as she must not be exposed to harsh light, and must therefore be wrinkled. She is referred to as a moth, due to her false whiteness, but also because of her fidgety, uncertain mannerisms (common in alcoholics). Blanches backwardness is made clear for the first time in her bid to cling to the past by calling Mrs. Stanley Kowalski, Stella DuBois. This also signifies the period the play was written as the female is referred to through her husband. From this moment on, Blanche is noticeably dismissive of Eunice, holds a derogatory sarcasm through out. Her repetitions of the same word to Eunices varied question are extremely dismissive, yet her vanity peers through in stating, Yes? as a question on news Stella spoke of her. On mention of Belle Reve, we come to realize that it means beautiful dream. This is obviously not the case though, as Blanche immediately goes off the point when its upkeep is mentioned. Blanche behaves very haughtily in the scene, and through the use of condescending language, and unsubtle hints (id like to be left alone), managed to offend, and therefore get rid of Eunice. This disassociation she wishes to have with Eunice not only portrays blanche in a haughty light, but also gives the impression that Blanche feels in Belle Reve, someone like Eunice would be have been her servant. Blanche is an extremely nervous person, and catches her breath with a startled gesture on hearing a cat screech. A reason for this nervous reaction is apparent when we realize her affiliation with whiskey. Not only does she drink the whiskey uninvited, but she attempts to mask her tracks as well. This is a primary indication that she is an alcoholic as is talking to ones self (Ive got to keep hold of myself).
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
Steroids in Sports Today Essay example -- Athletes Athletics Drugs Per
Steroids in Sports Today      The United State is a country that thrives on competition. We idolize our sports stars and practically make major athletic events holidays. Children grow up with their favorite athletes plastered to the wall of their bedrooms and dream that one day they will be the next Barry Bonds, Shaqullie O'Neal, or Tom Brady. Professional athletes train year-round to be in ideal psychical shape in order to perform their best. But what happens when their best just isn't good enough? We expect our sports stars to be perfect, upstanding citizens and role models but this isn't always the case. The recent exposure of athletes using steroids has exploded into a phenomenon involving athletes all around the world. It has cheapened sports and cast doubt on the integrity of our athletes. Steroid use is not exclusive to professional sports. More and more college and high school athletes are beginning to use steroids for many of the same reasons that the pros do; to enhance performance, get an edge on the competition, and improve personal appearance.      Non-medical use of anabolic steroids is illegal and banned by most, if not all, professional, intercollegiate, and interscholastic sports organizations. No matter what justifications are given for using steroids, one cannot overlook the fact anabolic steroids can cause serious physical and psychological side effects. So what exactly is this substance that appears in the headlines of our newspaper?s sport section? Anabolic steroids ?are the synthetic derivatives of the naturally occurring male anabolic hormone testosterone? (Wadler 1). Testosterone?s natural effects help a boy going through puberty grow hair, develop a deeper voice, and retain dietary protein, which aids in the development of muscles. Athletes take the drugs ?to primarily increase muscle mass and strength? (Wadler 2). Steroids do not, however, improve agility, skill, or cardiovascular capacity. Steroids can be taken orally or they can be injected. Most recently, the steroid of choice has been the k ind that is injected and is short-lasting and water-soluble. Many steroids that come in the oral form have proven to be hazardous to the liver, but as Dr. Wadler explains, ?injectable steroids aren?t free of side-effects either. There is no free ride and there is a price to be paid with either form.? Some effects in men of frequent ... ...bout the steroid controversy, the reasons behind the phenomenon is basically universal. Athletes are always striving to be the best and to take their game to the next level. Steroids may drastically enhance their performance and give them a valuable competitive edge. Because so much attention and money is directed towards professional athletics, athletes are now more than ever in the public?s spot light. Today, like it or not, the athletes that take steroids get most of the attention. Children dream of being the next superstar, but will future superstars be clean or will steroids continue to dominate professional sports? Only time will tell. Bibliography Barczy, Jason ?Olrich Centers Study on Steroids.? Central Michigan Life 8 April 2005 ?Drugs and Sports: Anabolic Steroids.? Sept. 2004      URL Fahey, T.D. ?Anabolic-androgenic steroids: mechanism of action and effects on performance.? Encyclopedia of Sports Medicine and Science 1998 Farmer, Sam ?Haslett: steroid use rampant in old NFL.? Los Angeles Times 24 March 2005 Straka, Mike ?Grrr! ? Steroids Not the Issue.? Dec. 2004      URL
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
The Difference Between Moroccan and French Media
Otmane Barakat AWT1003 07 Tuesday 30th, 2012 Moroccan and French Media â€Å"Whoever controls the media controls the minds†, said Jim Morrison. The media has definitely marked the current generation as it has an enormous power and effect on the nations. Nowadays, the media affects the way the audience thinks and behaves more than it has ever done. Enhanced by the technological advancement, especially the rise of Internet, the link between mass media and the public opinion has begun to change to become similar around the world.Moroccan and French media systems are not different from the others as their similarities are displayed in the fact that they are both using high technology facilities, incite violence, and ran by the government. To get started, the first thing in common between the Moroccan and French media is their wise use of highly-advanced communication facilities. Even though Morocco is a thirdworld country, it has been using communication technology since the end o f the last century.Telephone, telegraph, radio, and television services were available at that time; there were about 1. 3 million mainline telephones, about 120,000 cell phones, and 22AM/ 7 FM radio stations. In 2000, these communication facilities had witnessed an enormous growth as Morocco had the disposal of 243 radio stations, eight Internet providers and 166 television sets for every 1000 people. Nowadays, Morocco has over 21 million cell phones, 6 million television receivers, 8 million radio and internet users.Obviously, the media has made a clever use out of the telecommunication advancement since the storage and transmission of information has become easier than never. For instance, news corporations are offering stream-feeding news reports by emails, call centers, or text messages caring more about the gain than the information itself. Likewise, the French do not prefer to read as they are cited only for 164 adult readers out of every 1000. Further, they are very practica l people trying to make the best use out of technology just like any other developed country.In fact, France secures 60 million cell phone, 34 million television receivers, 55 million radio sets and 45 million internet users that earnestly serve the media. Furthermore, during the past ten years, the French population’s use of internet has increased from 14. 4% to 68. 9% according to the IWS (Internet World Stats) center argues. As an illustration, France has more than 20 news TV networks, 30 news radio stations, and 100 news websites.All in all, Moroccan and French media systems are making a good use out of the telecommunication advancement as it is the most practical way to communicate information with the people even though it may provoke violent behaviors. Media can be harmful to its consumers, especially for children as it incites violent and aggressive behaviors in both Morocco and France. The media has always been possibly deleterious as it is becoming more aggressive, rebellious, and immoral in Morocco.There used to be a time when tears used to stream down people's cheeks when they saw someone dying; however, nowadays, people have got ice cold watching the news in which violent and bloody material is transmitted. The media is desensitizing the humanity. Similarly, in France, news broadcasts are becoming more and more inhuman by showing beat up, injured, or slaughtered mothers and their children. As both Moroccan and French people are consuming these sequences, they are becoming gradually violent, their humanity is slowly fading away, and their conscience is becoming more and more silent.To sum up, the broadcasting of savage and inhuman sequences on media instruments incites an aggressive and inhuman aspect in the person; consequently, he becomes closer to becoming a toy than a freewill individual. Nowadays, the government’s shadows are able to reach anything it aims including the fourth estate. The Moroccan media is mainly run by corporati ons that are either semi or fully governmental. The government has shown interest into taking over the media as it is the perfect instrument for social control.In a critical period, the North of Morocco was against the late king Hassan II, the Sahara was still a contested territory, and the people were against the new and current king. With the appearance of the media, Morocco has been able to contain the fury of the people by spoon-feeding them what they needed to hear. As an illustration, the Moroccan people were experiencing their first interaction with the mystery box  also known as television in western countries  They were under the brainwash.Equally, France’s media is mainly being ran by government as it serves its own aims through telling the people what and what not to think. Governments have been facing difficulties lately as the people became more aware of their rights and privileges; therefore, the main objective of running the media has become thr eatened. Swaying people’s opinion nowadays is no longer easy. To conclude, both Moroccan and French media are being ran by the government as it is essential for them to tell the people what to think and believe.In the final analysis, when it comes to media, Morocco and France are similar. Both of the two countries use highly advanced telecommunication facilities. Further, they are both inciting violence through communicating provoking and aggressive material. Finally, Moroccan and French media are both run by the government as it needs to make sure it controls the people’s curiosity. It is sad to see how the fourth estate is negatively influencing the fate of humans and nations as they are nothing but toys in the big political game.
Monday, January 6, 2020
The Debate Over Homosexual Couples - 941 Words
A homosexual couple is a pair of two individuals of the same sex involved in an intimate and loving relationship. Homosexual couples want to be treated the same way as heterosexuals by fighting for their right to get married and also their right to have children. Because of the nature of their relationship, they cannot biologically have children together so their only option is to adopt. The debate over homosexual couples being able to adopt children is very controversial and is becoming a big issue in today’s society. Some believe that by allowing these couples to adopt, they intentionally deprive the children from either a male or female role models; the children will have more challenges in school compared to those raised by heterosexual couples; and, children will tend to have more homosexual behaviors themselves because of what they are exposed to at home. Gary Glenn, president of the American Family Association of Michigan, stated at a debate on same-sex couple’s adoption held by CBS Detroit that â€Å"healthy development of a human child requires having the role model and the care of a mother and a father. It should not be the emotional needs of adults that drive the public policy. It is up to the adults to make sure we act in the best interest of the children†(Glenn). In this citation, Gary Glenn forgets the fact that one in four children in the United States is being raised by a single parent. This insinuates that those children do not have either a male or femaleShow MoreRelatedGay Couples Adopting1042 Words  | 5 PagesHomosexuals must be allowed to adopt children just like any other couple who want to do the same thing. A child needs love, respect and a home in which they can assure themselves that there will be someone there to care for them. As in the example, there is no need for a dad and a mom who will always be arguing about the shared custody. Just because their parents are homosexuals does not mean that the child wi ll grow up to be the same. Everyone is different and will grow up to be what they want toRead MoreThe Controversy of Gay Parenting Essay972 Words  | 4 Pagesis a minority, the issue still causes heated debate. People who are in favor of Gay, Lesbian, and Bi-Sexual parenting rights claim that as long as there is a commitment to parenthood then successful parenting is achievable as a homosexual or bi-sexual. Since within a gay couple there is no chance for accidental pregnancy, the couple must make a conscious decision to become a parent. People opposed to homosexual parenting argue that homosexual couples are not capable of having long enduring strongRead MoreDiscrimination Against Gay Marriage is the Voice of Ignorance1447 Words  | 6 Pagesfor voter approval, or even in their wildest dreams [nightmares?] have to consider doing that. However, in the past ten years that is a prospect gay men and women are facing all over our United States. Why is American culture so unacce pting of homosexual marriages and what are the reprocutions of this for homosexual couples and for all of our citizens? Homosexuality, as a lifestyle has always been under great fire in our culture. Homosexuality has been defined and termed in many contexts.Read MoreCritical Analysis of Schulmans Article Gay Marriage and Marriage963 Words  | 4 Pagessomeone of the same sex? Why is this debate so heavily heated amongst individuals? Is it that religion is a large structure base that those in society are guided by? Or is it that individuals do not understand that marriage is a union between two individuals who are in love? Whatever the case may be, there is always someone who has to argue that homosexual marriage is â€Å"wrong.†Sam Schulman argues that homosexual marriage is about the duties or roles that these couples perform that would be differentRead MoreEssay on A Pro-Gay Marriage Argument836 Words  | 4 Pagesfor marriage. For years, marriage opportunities for homosexuals has been an ongoing debate, and it still continues today. Many critics of the ordeal pose the argument that the allowance of same-sex unions would single-handedly demolish the already fragile structure of marriage (Head). They go on to further to say that same-sex marriages would cause men to become barbaric, as women are the only ones who are able to tame them(Nock 17). But, homosexuals have not been given the opportunity in America toRead MoreMarriage Should Be A Privilege For All962 Words  | 4 Pagesand lesbian couples are law-abiding citizens too, who should be granted the same rights as heterosexual couples. One common problem that have deeply effected gay and lesbian couples is that they are unable to claim their partner s social security. The Human Rights Campaign, which work to achieve equal rights for lesbian, gay, bi-sexual and transgender people, is supporting the effort to claim their partner s social security. Currently, there are no programs that give homosexuals survivor benefitsRead MoreThe Rights Of Gay And Lesbian Couples Essay1536 Words  | 7 Pagescommon American. particularly, gay and lesbians couples are denied the proper to marry even supposing they are upstanding residents. they are held at an unfair disadvantage totally because of their sexual orientation. This discrimination need to prevent due to the fact gay and lesbian couples are law-abiding residents too, who ought to be afforded the equal rights as heterosexual couples. One commonplace hassle that plagues gay and lesbian couples that are denied the proper to marry is their incapabilityRead MoreGay Marriage Should Be Legal1437 Words  | 6 PagesHomosexuals are disrespected and treated unfairly, such as a look from a person who isn’t gay or called names such as â€Å"faggot,†simply because their sexual orientation, why? If homosexuals pay their taxes, help build roads and pay public schools just like heterosexual couples then gay couple should have the same rights as opposite sex couples do. In the case of Baker v. Vermont, in the year 2000, â€Å"Vermont’s groundbreaking law establishing civil unions took effect, providing families of samesex couplesRead MoreArguments For Same Sex Marriage1483 Words  | 6 PagesWhile seventeen states have already granted couples the right to marry whom they love regardless of gender, the rest of the country continues to forbid same-sex couples to marry (Ahuja) and in doing so, infringe upon one of the most basic freedoms we are allowed. Arguments for same-sex marriage, despite being backed up with hard legal evidence and Supreme Court rulings, continue to face opposition on the grounds of religious beliefs and personal values. Often cited by Catholics is an interpretationRead MoreGay Marriage Should Be Legal1574 Words  | 7 Pagesthat are typically taken for granted by the average American. Specifically, gay and lesbian couples are denied the right to marry even if they are outstanding citizens. They are held at an unfair disadvantage solely because of their sexual orientation. This discrimination must stop, because gay and lesbian couples are law-abiding citizens too, who shou ld be afforded the same rights as heterosexual couples. Marriage is about love and commitment; this means that since we are all human, we all deserve
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