Sunday, May 17, 2020
Procrastination Of 10 Grade Students - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 1010 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2019/06/10 Category Psychology Essay Level High school Tags: Procrastination Essay Did you like this example? PROBLEM AND SETTINGS 1.1 Rationale Students spend most of their time in school almost every day. Multiple tasks and activities are to be accomplished on a varied set time. These factors play a huge role when it comes to the students overall academic performance. Yet oftentimes, for some reasons there are either finished late or not accomplished at all. One of the reasons is procrastination. According to the Merriam-Websterrs Dictionary, to procrastinate means to put off habitually doing something that should be done. Procrastination has been experienced by people ever since for everyone delays work for later sometimes. It generally reflects perennial struggles with self-control as well as the general human inability to accurately predict how well feel tomorrow or the day after. All of us put things off some time or another and researchers have claimed that the problem can be particularly pronounced among students. Between 80 and 95 percent of college students procrastinate on their school work according to the American Psychological Association. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Procrastination Of 10 Grade Students" essay for you Create order This study will evaluate the causes and effects of procrastination particularly on Divine Life Institute of Ceburs Grade 10 students. This is based on the claim that one often major concern amongst Grade 10 students are facing is procrastination. From this specific group of students, the researchers will determine their state and condition with the given task and activities: how they handle their productivity and time management, and the students academic performance will be analyzed as well. To further elaborate the description of procrastination, the study will utilize Pier Steelrs concept of procrastination. Piers Steel is a distinguished research chair at the University of Calgary, where he teaches human resources and organizational dynamics at the Haskayne School of Business. Pierrs idea about procrastination will contribute as a support to this studies objective of determination the underlying reason of procrastination among students. This study uses the qualitative method to acquire better understanding of the meaning and description of procrastination. The researchers will conduct an interview to the selected grade 10 students that are chosen randomly to avoid possible bias and obtain variety of data. These data will then be interpreted and reviewed while bringing the researchers own perspectives to its meaning and construct the utilized concept in its analysis. This is particularly the ideal approach in studying educational problems to develop analysis of data to be grasped. 1.2 Statement of the Problem This study seeks to analyze procrastination amongst grade 10 students academic performance of the Divine Life Institute of Cebu, Inc. Using Piers Steelrs concept of procrastination as well as to specifically find the answers to the questions: What is procrastination? What is the concept of Piers Steelrs law? How visible is procrastination affect the students academic performance? What are the causes and effects of procrastination on DLICrs grade 10 students? How does procrastination affect the students academic performance? 1.3 Significance of the Study This study aims to establish a contribution of the result that will benefit the following: STUDENTS The studyrs result will provide a better understanding and its implications to the students. The topic is mainly directed towards the students to be able to acquire learningrs gathered from this study that may be applied in real life situations regarding procrastination and academic performance. TEACHERS Teachers benefit from the findings of this study in a way that they are the ones who handle the assessment of students academic performance. This study provides information that may help teachers perception and management about the procrastination among their students whether considering academic performance or just merely focusing on the responsibility of shaping students progress and improvement as a whole. PARENTS The presented date will help the parents conceive advices that may help their children when it comes to procrastination. The findings will also help them assess and learn about their children to be able to improve their responsibility. FUTURE RESEARCHERS The information and data gathered in this study may be used as guide and a reference for the future researchers in this field. The study will provide elaboration and findings about the topic that future researchers may read to possess a background knowledge about a related subject. 1.4 Scope and Delimitation SCOPE This study is conducted to acquire more knowledge and comprehension of procrastination among students considering academic performance. The information and data presented will cover an elaboration and interpretation of the findings about procrastination. Subject about time management that is highly related to the studyrs topic will also be utilized in this study. This study will tackle about the causes and effects of procrastination on students academic performance with Pier Steelrs concept of procrastination. DELIMITATION This study will not cover the state of the world when it comes to procrastination and time management. The information and data about procrastination of DLICrs grade 10 students considering their academic performance. Broader topics such as procrastination in society and the world will not be included. 1.5 Definition of Terms Procrastination Procrastination is the act or habit of procrastinating. It is the action of delaying or postponing especially something requiring immediate attention. The study mainly focuses on this term and its definition and will be interpreted to acquire better understanding about its causes and effects. Time Management Time management is the ability to use oners time effectively or productively especially at work. Cramming The term cramming is used when one delays something and attempting to learn and accomplish the particular task in a short period of time. It means to force a lot things into a small space. Academic Performance Academic achievement is another term for academic performance. It is the extent to which a student, teacher or institution has achieved their short or long term educational goals. The term will be assessed and considered throughout analyzing the causes and effects of procrastination to it. 1.6 Research Methodology The researchers conducted the study by utilizing Piers Steelrs concept of procrastination and gathering data from an interview that is conducted to the grade 10 students to construct meaning from the findings. The study uses the qualitative method that for which approaches the research through interpreting the collected data to obtain meaning and answers to the problem.
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Grace Hospice Of Texas Provides Quality Professional Care
Grace Hospice mission statement is Grace Hospice of Texas provides quality professional care and compassionate support for terminally ill patients and their families with his grace. (Introduction to Hospice Care 2) (National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization, 2015) Grace Hospice basic service provide end of life care and understanding of death as a natural process of life, and Grace Hospice offer palliative and comfort care; meanwhile Grace Hospice assist the family in caring for their loved one at home through an interdisciplinary team of professionals. Grace Hospice is a public organization. (Introduction to Hospice Care 2) (National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization, 2015) Hospice originated in Great Britain back in 60’s by Dame Cicely Saunders, who felt the need for palliative cure for diagnosed with terminal illness. In 1892, hospice became funded through Medicare Benefit Program after many years of lobbying for funding was established. (Introduction to Hospice Care 2) (National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization, 2015) Grace Hospice agency mission supported social works values by importance of human relationships. Social workers use human relationship to promote change in individuals, families, groups, and communities. An example, is if we discussed an issue with a family member we also involved the patients to make sure the patient knew what we saying about them.(Social Work and Social Welfare 15) Grace Hospice ethical codes provide 1) respect forShow MoreRelatedManagement Course: Mba−10 General Management215330 Words  | 862 Pagesincreasing complexity in business action and decision making. It has presented chief executive officers (CEOs) and management leaders in all markets and industries with new intricacies in deciding how to weigh and time the business decisionsâ€â€and the quality of those decisionsâ€â€that increasingly challenge their companies’ basic survival. W HICH FACTORS HAVE DRIVEN 3 4 Feigenbaum−Feigenbaum: The Power of Management Capitol 1. New Management for Business Growth in a Demanding Economy
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Human Immunodeficiency Virus ( Hiv ) Essay - 1853 Words
The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) affects the human wellbeing by attacking the body’s immune system which is the natural defense system in the human body to resist infections. When the immune system is compromised, the body becomes less capable of fighting diseases, allowing the body to become more susceptible to infections. Different from other viruses that the body can get rid of, HIV will remain in the body for life (Wright and Carnes, 2016). HIV works by attacking the CD4 cells, which assist the immune system to resist infections. If not treated the virus decreases the number of T-cells in the body, thus making the person’s immune system highly prone to infections or infection-related cancers (Wright and Carnes, 2016). After the body’s immunity is depleted, therefore allowing opportunistic infections increase in the body, reaching the final HIV stage known as the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is rapidly approaching (Wright and Carnes, 2016). Identification and Pathology The Human Immunodeficiency Virus develops in stages, there are three established stages in total. The stages of HIV infections include the Acute HIV infection, followed by the Clinical Latency phase, eventually the last stage, Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS), is reached. The Acute stage exists between 2-4 weeks after HIV infection when trivial infection symptoms like fever, are symptomatic in some patients. After the Acute stage, the virus develops into the second stage knownShow MoreRelatedHuman Immunodeficiency Virus ( Hiv )1359 Words  | 6 PagesThis paper explores the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) as well as the simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV). The virus has infected two million adults and children by the year 2005 already. The virus continues to race around the world, and new HIV infections are at 50,000 per year (Martine Peeters, Matthieu Jung, Ahidjo Ayouba) (2013). The final outcome of the HIV infection is Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). There are many treatments that have developed to help the large numberRead MoreHiv And Human Immunodeficiency Virus Essay1208 Words  | 5 PagesHIV has been a pandemic that has affected the world relentlessly for many years in a never-ending circle. HIV, or Human Immunodeficiency Virus, is the virus that is spread through certain bodily fluids and can lead to AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome). HIV attacks the immune system by destroying CD4+ T cells, which leaves the person infected with HIV vulnerable to other infections, diseases, and other complications.1 Once this virus is acquired, the human can never fully rid itself of thisRead MoreHuman Immunodeficiency Virus ( Hiv )884 Words  | 4 Pages(2010), Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a virus that affects the human immune system, leading to a chronic, progressive sickness that leaves people susceptible to opportunistic infections. When the body no longer can fight or resist infections, the condition is at this point referred to as AIDS, which means Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. Averagely, it has been found to take more than ten years to develop from initial infection of HIV to AIDS. Though simple in description, HIV and AIDSRead MoreThe Human Immunodeficiency Virus ( Hiv )862 Words  | 4 Pagesshown that the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is the cause of AIDS. More than 33.4 million people worldwide are infected with the HIV virus today. HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency virus. HIV is a virus similar to that of the flu or common cold. The differentiating factor is that with the flu and cold, your body will eventually clear the virus out of your system, but with the HIV virus, the immune system cannot clear it. Getting HIV means you have it for life. The virus immediately beginsRead MoreThe Human Immunodeficiency Virus ( Hiv )948 Words  | 4 PagesThe Uses of Blood by the HIV Virus Blood-borne diseases have contributed greatly to poor health outcomes among individuals and communities. Though blood fulfills various functions to ensure our survival, it can also act as the mechanism through which we become diseased. Understanding the characteristics of such infectious diseases is essential to preventing further cases. In this paper I will discuss how the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) uses blood to cause illness within the infected individualRead MoreHuman Immunodeficiency Virus ( Hiv )1261 Words  | 6 PagesHuman Immunodeficiency Virus Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) has become more commonly seen in the world. It is important to show compassion rather than judging that patient based on a virus. The hygienist plays an important role in making the patient feel comfortable and in a judgment free environment. The patient should not feel as if the disease or virus defines the overall character of the patient. Standards precautions are still the same when treating all patients with or without a compromisingRead MoreHiv And Human Immunodeficiency Virus1205 Words  | 5 PagesWhat is HIV? HIV is a fatal disease which stands for â€Å"Human Immunodeficiency Virus†it is a failure to the immune system to protect the body from any infections. This virus causes a condition called acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. When HIV is left untreated it leads to another disease called â€Å"AIDS†. It can occur in any age, race, sex or sexual orientation. The highest risk of contracting HIV is having unprotected sex and sharing needles with others. Another factor are people that have STI’s andRead MoreThe Human Immunodeficiency Virus ( Hiv )980 Words  | 4 Pages The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is an immune system disorder that can be contracted through sexual activity as well as other types of contact. (Healthy Living, pg. 79) If left untreated this virus can turn into AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome). AIDS is the final stage of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). ( AIDS is an incurable progressive disease that causes gradual destruction of CD4 T cells by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). (Diseases, pg. 431) A healthyRead MoreHiv, Or Human Immunodeficiency Virus998 Words  | 4 PagesQuestion 1 HIV, or Human Immunodeficiency Virus, attacks the human immune system and greatly weakens the body’s ability to fight foreign invaders and infection. HIV first demanded notice in the early 1980s in the United States in homosexual men displaying illnesses like Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia and Kaposi’s sarcoma. The disease was soon observed in IV drug users, hemophiliacs, and blood transfusion recipients, but became publicized as a â€Å"gay disease,†nicknamed by the media as GRID, or Gay-RelatedRead MoreHuman Immunodeficiency Virus ( Hiv )1349 Words  | 6 Pages Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a retro virus that causes AIDs by infecting the T Helper cells of the body’s immune system. The AIDS virus is the final stages of the HIV virus. HIV is a lentivirus genus, which is a subgroup of the retrovirus that causes the AIDS virus. Even with proper treatment, an infected person has a life expectancy of less than ten years.As the virus weakens t he human immune systems, this effectleaves the patient compromised and at risk to opportunistic infections
Capitalism Is The Most Influential Economic And Political...
Capitalism is the most influential economic and political system in the world today as it has had a large effect on some of the defining aspects of the world, from abolishing feudal rule as â€Å"feudal rulers were continually forced to turn for loans to their resident burghers†¦ by the way the leaders stood this was completely incompatible with feudal rule†. (Heilbroner, 1992, p. 34) And introducing an early version of economic freedom referred to as the society of perfect liberty by Adam Smith. Capitalism, however is a topic of controversy, and has had many critics in the past and will most likely have criticism in the future, debating its effects on society. In the text Twenty-First Century Capitalism, Robert Heilbroner addresses this and speaks about how capitalism serves as a guide for the actions of both the private and public sectors of life, Robert Heilbroner refers to these as the two realms of capitalism in the text, and argues that they are beneficial but at th e same time dysfunctional for society. By looking at the relationship between political and economic spheres of capitalism there are clear positive and negative effects on society, but by analysing capitalism’s ability to change, free market systems and the revolutionary changes it has brought to the workplace, it is clear to see that capitalism s effects on society have been a positive one. Capitalism has also played a role in the separation of the economic sector from the control of the state, which is key toShow MoreRelatedDurkheim s Theories Of A Capitalist Society1544 Words  | 7 Pagesthe theories may have quite dated, some parts do still reign true. 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Mobile Communication and Computing
Question: Discuss about theMobile Communication and Computing. Answer: Introduction This study is aimed to review the technologies those have been utilized to develop an English Tutorial Mobile Application. On the other hand, this study also focuses on the reason of selecting these technologies while developing this app. Discussion Review of the Selected Technology and Justification of Selecting the Technology The English Tutorial App is the mobile application that would provide the platform to the students for improving their English. Therefore, in order to develop this app, several latest technologies have been used. Two types of technologies have been utilized for developing this particular app. several significant front end and the back end technologies have been utilized to develop this English Tutorial App. Front End Technologies As per the front end technologies, these technologies are simply the user interfaces which are operated by the users (Charlan and Leroux 2011). Hence, in case of this English tutorial app, the Android and the IOS operating system, PayPal, NFC and other front end technologies of a smart phone can be utilized as the front end technologies during the development of the app. The functionalities of this app can be operated with the help of 4G, 3G, 2G as well as the Wi-Fi communication technology (Nigam 2014). On the other hand, Camera and the speaker of the smart phones are very important while attending the online tutorial sessions. Near Field Communication or NFC is the short range of wireless connectivity standard that can also be used as the telecommunication technologies while operating this app (Holla and Katti 2012). With the PayPal services, the clients or the users can do their monetary transaction while operating this particular tutorial app. Back End Technologies Back End Technologies are very important in software design. Therefore, in case of the development of this particular tutorial app, the back end technologies have played the role of build block of the app (Tracy 2012). In case of the Back end or the serve end technologies, cloud storage, database as well as the servers are the major technologies which have been utilized for implementing this app. the cloud storage can provide the scope to the users for storing the digital data in logical pools and it has also become the physical storage spans for the servers of this tutorial app. It also ensures the data availability as well as accessibility (Charlan and Leroux 2011). The servers of the app also significantly accept and respond to the requests of the clients. In case of this tutorial app, the application server, cloud server and the database server are the most technologies those can effectively respond to the client request (Nigam 2014). On the other hand, as per the databases for the implementation of this app, the relational database technology such as SQLite has been utilized to implement the database for this tutorial app. Conclusion From the study discussed above, it can easily be stated that the selection of mentioned technologies have been effective as these advanced technologies have huge demand in developing mobile application. Reference List Charland, A. and Leroux, B., 2011. Mobile application development: web vs. native.Communications of the ACM,54(5), pp.49-53. Holla, S. and Katti, M.M., 2012. Android based mobile application development and its security.International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology,3(3), pp.486-490. Nigam, S., Sybase, Inc., 2014.Deploy anywhere framework for heterogeneous mobile application development. U.S. Patent 8,769,553. Tracy, K.W., 2012. Mobile Application Development Experiences on Apple s iOS and Android OS.Ieee Potentials,31(4), pp.30-34.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Essentials Of Psychiatric Mental Nursing -Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Essentials Of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing? Answer: Introducation Communication is certainly a significant concern for every individual and the individuals must acquire or improve the skills for different types of communication. There are several sorts of communication styles which and each one has its own significance. However, the skills or the competencies regarding communication of the individuals need to be measured through diagnostic tools. I have presented my skills and competencies regarding communication in the following. Self-perceived communication competence scale (SPCC) Presenting a talk to a group of friends is always enriching to me but however when I am supposed to talk to a large meeting of acquaintance, I find it difficult. However, presenting a talk to a small group of friends becomes easy because my assertive style of communication allows me to maintain the sweet spot between being too aggressive as well as too passive. Even though, I find it difficult when it comes to present a talk to a group of strangers, my skills in assertive skill of maintaining the sweet spot between becoming too aggressive as well as passive. This means when I am assertive, when I have the confidence to interact without resorting to manipulation. I know my limits and I cannot allow myself to be pushed beyond them, as someone else wants something from us. Nonetheless, I develop a characteristic of achieving my own goals without hurting others. I scored 80 in presenting a talk to a group of acquaintances, which is comparatively a poor score to me but here I do not use t he characteristic of aggressive communication style such as frightening, explosive and unpredictable. Moreover, I am not supposed to use the language like You are crazy, you make me sick or any sarcastic language. My overall SPCC score for public is 91 and meeting is 95, which enables me to maintain a healthy communication style. Personal Report of Intercultural Communication Apprehension (APRICA) Intercultural Communication skills help me to become flexible during the communication to any cultural or racial group of people. I strongly agree to the fact of being comfortable with a group of people belonging to different culture and group, as my assertive communication style help me to become comfortable with any individual belonging to any culture or group. I scored 56 in inter-cultural, which increases my confidence about the communication. Whenever I get any opportunity, I prefer to get involved in-group discussion with others belonging to different cultural group. For example, every year, I take part in cultural debates in my community where people from different cultural location visit. On the other side, I do not feel hesitate to expose my aggression if something irritates me during the conversation with friends or with the people I know for a long time. However, when interacting with a group of people belonging to different culture I remain calm and relaxed so that others would not feel uncomfortable in communicating with me. I mostly care of my non-verbal behavior such as open posture, systematic balanced, relaxed when I am supposed to start a conversation with an individual from a different culture. Non-verbal Immediacy Scale Self- Report My non-verbal Immediacy Scale score is 85, as there are certain elements that I positively follow and maintain. I have the tendency to use my hands and arm to gesture while talking to people but I avoid touching others on the shoulder or arms while talking to them. I understand that communication is one such thing that improves my efficiency in every field. I never use any such monotonous tone or dull voice while communicating to others. I realize that while talking to someone, it is important to keep an eye-to-eye contact with that person; I avoid looking over or looking away from others while talking to them. I prefer to maintain a relaxed body position while talking to others, which helps to make others comfortable during the conversation. I understand that frowning during the conversation makes other person uncomfortable or lose interest in the conversation; thereby, I do not prefer to frown during the conversation. Nevertheless, I do not move closer to people when I talk to stra ngers because I believe that such behavior could make other person uncomfortable. I strongly agree that I do have many vocal varieties when I talk to people, this means that I tend to lower my voice and speak in polite tone when I communicate with people but when talking to friends I speak with a natural tone. Personal Report of Public Speaking Anxiety (PRPSA) In this particular diagnostic tool, I scored 102, which certainly a moderate sore indicating my weaknesses. I have realized that while preparing for a given speech I observe a state of nervousness in myself. As I am not used to the action of giving public speech, the word public speech makes me worried and anxious. There are some situations I faced when the lecturer in the class asked me to give a speech on a particular topic, I feel nervous if I am not prepared. In fact, if I take earlier preparation for the speech I cannot avoid the nature being of nervous. Furthermore, I observed that while starting speech in a public event, initially my heartbeat goes faster but with time, it becomes easier. As I am not used to the fact of providing public speech, I tend to experience a considerable anxiety while sitting in a room before the speech starts. Thus, I understand that I need to enhance the skills of Personal Report of Public Speaking Anxiety. Talkahalic Scale of Communication This diagnostic tool has wide impact of my communication and I only scored 28 in this talkhalic communication. This is because there are several elements I need to develop. I have observed that in the middle of discussion when others want my opinion, I remain silent for a while, which certainly affects the communication. However, I never felt a situation where I am compelled to keep quite. Nonetheless, when I am supposed to deliver my speech, I often carry away and forget the main theme of the topic. I realize that this happens due to lack of practices. I should have attended more debate and class session where I get the opportunity to deliver speech on a given topic. Identifying two significant communication issues presented in the findings The above-mentioned findings and analysis helps to identify that I need to avoid some fundamental skills of communication to avoid public speaking anxiety. Poor score in public speaking anxiety tool indicates that some of the elements in which I am not good. For example, my heart beats vast when I start a speech, which indicates that I go through a state of anxiety that breaks my confidence. In addition, sometimes I also observe myself dealing with the constant fear of forgetting what I am supposed to say. On the other side, I also face difficulties in compulsive communication. As I found myself remained silent in the middle of the conversation but when the topic of the conversation is familiar and the people as well, I speak like a compulsive talker. Two recent professional interactions and analyzing them with two potential communication issues The above-mentioned discussion is similar to two of the incidents of my life. After completing graduation, I joined a small firm as an intern. I was supposed to give an introductory speech on an event organized by our organization. I prepared for the speech for a week before the event starts. Eventually, when I was standing on the stage to introduce people and deliver an introductory speech, I was shaking and my voice choking and for a few moments, I remained silent to control myself, which was difficult for me. I realized that my skills of Public speaking were not effective and due to these poor skills, my performance in the event was poor. I was not happy with that performance. As I discussed above, in the middle of the speech, I get anxious if someone asks me something about the facts about my speech and at that moment, my mind goes blank. I consider this as inefficiency, which I need to avoid or should be improved. During the event, I also observed myself that certain part of the body feels very rigid and tense while delivering the speech. I also realized that only a little time in the speech makes me very tense and anxious. However, I had the belief that I have the ability to control my feeling of tensions and stress. Another incident in my internship proved my inefficiency in communication skills. Once there was a board meeting about companys production and further growth strategies. That was the first time I was invited in the board meeting. Usually, I speak a lot when talk to the people I know but in that board meeting of the people were unknown. During the meeting I was suppose to provide a new managerial concept to the board members. Nonetheless, even though I do not consider myself as a talkaholic person but in that meeting I could not present my concept in a presentable manner because I was very nervous at that moment in front of the managerial staffs of the company. I was quite when I needed to talk. However, my managers understood the concept, but they were expecting a little more from and that time I silent. Therefore, these two incidents proved my inefficiency in communication and made me realize that I need to improve. Literature Review Communication is always required to work in any competitive field. Due to the increasing level of competition, the organizations are in the rush of hiring skilled people and the communication is the most important thing that organizations firstly expect. In this context, (Goodman, Rudorfer and Maser (2017) mentioned that each individual in their course studies should complete or brush up their communication skills. In order to get a new job or work in a large project, individuals often have to be involved in professional communication or dealings. Public speaking anxiety As put forward by Paula-Prez (2013), public speaking remains as the most commonly reported fearful social situation even though a number of modern theories insists on the significance of cognitive processes particularly in the social anxiety. In this context, Varcarolis (2016) mentioned that a general statement of such theories remains as the presumption that the social anxiety usually result from the negative self-perception or the perceived evaluation by other people in the social situation. In spot of the theoretical significance of cognitions in the social phobia, a research conducted by Stubbings, Rees and Roberts (2015) indicates that less than three quarter of the studies on social phobia utilized any of the cognitive assessment. However, this happens due to the fact that many of the available cognitive measures for social anxiety remains either difficult to operate and score. On the other side, it has also been observed that public speaking remains as the most prevalent fear often observed among the people in both general populations as well as among social phobic individuals. Nevertheless, there are only few instruments that are available to reliably evaluate the range of the public speaking anxiety. In this context, Pull (2012) commented that only measures that direly review or assess the anxiety of public speaking is the Personal report of Confidence as the Speaker Questionnaire. According to Price and Anderson (2012), the individuals with the special phobia observes additional or excessive fear of negative evaluation in situations where they could be observed by other individuals during the interactions with other people. Due to this fear, the social situations are either avoided or ensured with the significant distress. A study conducted by Niles et al. (2015) on social phobia indicates that studies has progressed an its cognitive, psychological and behavioral correlates have now become the fruitful the avenues of multi-model assessment. Furthermore, it has also been studied that behavioral assessment test (BAT) for socially anxious individual generally consists of impromptu public speeches or the roles played social interaction. This can also be standardized. Hence, North, North and Coble (2015) commented that the BAT has been demonstrated to reliably elicit anxious thoughts, changes in the heart as well as blood pressure. German et al. (2016) conducted th e investigation to develop the rating system to appropriately review the overt behavior of the individuals in the social situation. Studies on the influence of talkativeness on interpersonal perception like the source credibility, leadership ability, interpersonal attraction as well as similarity have found strong and a positive linear relationship. Jamieson, Nock and Mendes (2013) opined that a more an individual talk, the more the individual is perceived to be credible and interpersonally attractive. On the other side, Shahbaz et al. (2016) in their study, mentioned the result of the studies on the association between quantity of talk as well as the interpersonal perception calls into question the concept or definition of talking too much. Hence, Day et al. (2012) also commented that the implementation of negative valence to high amount of talks could be the function of confusing communication, which remains between the quality with the communication quantity. Strategies to deal with public speaking anxiety Skills training-As put forward by Gallois and Giles (2015), skills training remains as the strategy for managing public speaking anxiety that usually focus on the learning skills that could help to enhance the specific speaking behaviors. Such skills could relate to any part of the speech making process with the inclusion of topic selection, research and organization, delivery as well as the self-evaluation. Some particular skills training like systematic desensitization could make the public speaking techniques more familiar for a particular speaker, which could lessen the uncertainty. Moreover, it has also been observed in the study conducted by Biocca and Levy (2013), focusing particular areas and then enhancing on them could build help to increase more confidence, which could further lead to more enhancements. In this context, Coopman and Lull (2014) mentioned that feedback is more significant to initiate and maintain more such positive cycle of enhancement. In this context, Varcarolis (2016) mentioned that feedback is more significant to initiate and maintain more such positive cycle of enhancement. Some breathing as well as the stretching exercise release endorphins that are bodys natural antidote to stress hormones. According to Pull (2012), deep breathing remains as the most efficient and proven way to release endorphins. According to some particular studies deep breathing could provides a general sense of relaxation as well as it can be done discretely. In order to receive the benefits of deep breathing, the individual should deep into diaphragm. Therefore, to start the breadth in gently through the nose, the individual can fill up the bottoms part of the lungs with air. During the process, the entire body could pooch out. In such situation, the individuals need to hold the breadth for four to five seconds and they could let it out. Physical relaxation exercise Strategies for managing speaking anxiety could typically help to identify its cognitive as well as behavioral elements, whereas the physical elements are left unattended. However, nonetheless, engage in physical exercise to offset general physical signs of anxiety occurred by cortisol and the release of adrenaline release. This might include the increased heart rate, flushing, high blood pressure as well as the inefficiency in speech fluency. Self-Perceived Communication Competence It was studied that the conceptualizing as well as the measurement of communication competence could create a considerable controversy. In this context, Jamieson, Nock, and Mendes (2013) mentioned that while acknowledging that it may or may not be meaningfully related to the objective external measures of communication competence. However, a study conducted by Pull (2012), in 1998, with the rationale that people make significant communication McCroskey advanced the communication competence. Moreover, the individual do this on the basis of their self-perception. Hence, the justification or the rationale has been developed or advanced by Phillips in 1968 in their reticence theory. It has also been studied that true behavior competence could be highly variable just as the function of situation and context, the talkaholic are assumed to be indifferent on the basis of the situation. Compulsive speaking- Most of the people have observed or encountered some individuals who speak more than the others do. Here, the volume, speed and the duration of their orations could leave the perplexed listener at the loss as how to deal with the incessant talker. In this context, Varcarolis (2016) mentioned that most of the listeners are usually let with feeling excluded as well as insignificant at the time of confronting with the barrage of words. According to Paula-Prez (2013), almost 4% of the adult population usually suffers from Attention Deficit Disorder, which further includes a history of earlier academic difficulties, frequent job change as well as self-reported psychological maladjustment. In this context, Pull (2012) mentioned that anxiety is another usual causation of incessant communication or speaking. Here, the individuals could be anxious to maintain contact and they could be uncomfortable with the pauses. Action Plan Type of activities Current performance Things I need to improve Time required Taking a short course on Compulsive Communication I believe that the communication that is being undertaken by me is compulsive as I feel that the people are bound to pay attention to everything I say, which actually might not be relevant to the context. In this connection, I have faced several issues in communicating with people fixing my attention on the context that is required to be focused. However, I feel that I whatever I speak might not be of any use to the people with whom I am communicating, but then again it is unfortunate that I cannot resist myself from speaking out. The compulsive communication that is being undertaken by me can be avoided through the understanding of the different requirements of the communication. A thorough understanding of the context will help in developing the essence of a good communication, which will have clarity and brevity. A clear and brief message is always more effective than a lengthy message. Therefore, I must take steps to focus more on the context, other than swimming in the shallow waters. I must understand that communication helps mainly in the development of the message and the understanding of the message as well. Therefore, I must take steps to cut short the exaggeration and make the messages brief and simple for the better understanding of the receptor of the message. The time that might be required for bringing in the change is eight to nine months depending on the improvements. Taking a session on Public Speaking Anxiety I believe I am also suffering from Glossophobia, which is actually a speech disorder in the public. At times, I have felt that the anxiety in me grows even with the thought of delivering a speech in public. The people staring at me, the lights and the pulpit bring me chills. The most important part of the impact is that my nerves seem to fail at the very thought of delivering a speech. The issues that are being faced by me are causing a distortion in the speech, which is affecting the communicative abilities. I have also observed that the fear conquers over my senses that pose a serious threat to my communicative abilities in the public. The major aspects of the change that is required to be undertaken by me is based on the eradication of the fear. I suppose, I must make serious improvements in the process of verbal communications. It is supposed to help me in maintaining a good public communication skill. The most important aspects of the change that is required to be undertaken are based on the fear that resides within the thought of delivering a speech in public. Proper understanding of the public communication skills will be helping in determining the different aspects of the change in the communicative capabilities. The time that is required for undertaking the change is most probably based on the time that will be required for the eradication of the fear. I believe that I will be requiring a training of four months and a practice of three weeks in order to fix the issue faced by me while communicating. References Biocca, F., Levy, M. R. (Eds.). (2013).Communication in the age of virtual reality. Routledge. Coopman, S. J., Lull, J. (2014).Public speaking: The evolving art. Cengage Learning. Day, A., Paquet, S., Scott, N., Hambley, L. (2012). Perceived information and communication technology (ICT) demands on employee outcomes: The moderating effect of organizational ICT support.Journal of Occupational Health Psychology,17(4), 473. Gallois, C., Giles, H. (2015). Communication accommodation theory.The international encyclopedia of language and social interaction. German, K. M., Gronbeck, B. E., Ehninger, D., Monroe, A. H. (2016).Principles of public speaking. Routledge. Goodman, W. K., Rudorfer, M. 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