Friday, May 31, 2019
Life as a Prostitute in The Painted Cohorts Essays -- Painted Cohorts
Life as a Prostitute in The Painted CohortsIt was a dark, menacing night as she stood there in the shadows. hold for the finale of the show that was playing, she glanced toward the exit through which people would soon be leaving. The rich, as patrons of the theatre house, promised her a salary at least for today. Her tattered wearing apparel revealed the effects of personal destitution the emaciated frame, that presently existed, harked back upon a body she essential have once possessed. Driven by poverty to the realms of pied cohorts, she makes up her face daily, distinguishing her life from the respected (264). She is an outcast, a leper, a member of the marginalized in society she envelops the most degraded of positions and intrudes against her body in order to survive. As she looks up, her eyes reflect a different kind of light, a glimmer of beauty that has not yet faded despite her present conditions. She was, at matchless time, a virtuous woman, most likely scorned by a dishonest love. Finding no comfort or pity for her prior mistakes, she must turn to the streets and embrace the inevitable - the dishonor and shame from her previous engagement will follow her unto death. Shunned from society she becomes the woman who sells herself for money and sadly finds no love. She is the abandoned, the betrayed, and the lost, upset girl she is of the painted cohorts, the female prostitute of the streets (264). Prostitution in the nineteenth century was perhaps one of the most degrading positions for a woman during the era. set by dress, makeup, and forward mannerisms, a woman employed within the business was avoided by all respectable persons. Once tainted by the immoral sin a woman could never return to good g... ...ation shows, as do the houses of assignation, she is a woman driven by her own thoughts and passions, the embodiment of a heart and soul that while criticized will not be broken. She is a sexual being, independent and unique, and she hints at the hope of society respecting her as such. She stands beneath the streetlight and waits for the theatre to inconsiderate its doors. She looks toward the ground, knowing her unworthy position in her culture, and waits for a person to understand her circumstances, to see her not as the prostitute but as the woman who involve money, love, passion, or excitement to replace the emptiness that led her to first begin her walk on these streets. Work Cited The Painted Cohorts selected readings on nineteenth-century prostitution from Stephen Crane, Maggie A girlfriend of the Streets, ed. Kevin J. Hayes (New York Bedford/St. Martins, 1999).
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Finding Inner Peace :: Personal Narrative Essays
Finding Inner Peace Nothing can get hold of you peace but yourself. I am thinking about the time when my best friend died, and when I stopped being myself and my life started going to hell. It happened mayhap two or three years ago. The day is very clear in my memory. The weather was cold and nasty. The monotonous rain made everything outside see to it gray. I was at home, waiting for my fille to arrive. I was sitting on the couch drinking hot tea and feeling warm and cozy. My dog was there too, I remember. We were watching a talk show, but I was not paying much attention to what was going on. All I cared about was my girlfriend was coming home and that we would be able to see each other again. She had left only four weeks earlier, but I had already missed her greatly. We had been friends since the 9th grade. In the beginning we were enemies we hated each other. Oh, how we fought One time she accused me of taking her purse, sleep togethering what a notorious prankster I was, even though I had no idea what she was talking about. Later she found her purse in her friends locker. It seems she had forgotten she had put it there. This turned out to be the first, but not the last, shot that would occur. What didnt we argue about? After about, four years, we became the best friends ever. We were perfectly compatible with each other. We began spending all our time together. We were vital to each other. I came to know each and every detail about her life as she did about mine. It was the most enduring friendship of my life. I looked at the clock above my head. cardinal fifty. She was supposed to arrive at five oclock. I felt uncomfortable, some weird feeling crawled around my heart. I did not understand it. I waited and waited. It was semidark already and I w as afraid of being in solitude. I couldnt stand it anymore. Seven oclock. The address rang and it startled me. Who might it be? I wasnt expecting a phone call from anyone. I got up from the couch and picked up
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Descartes Third Meditation: Proof of Gods Existence Essay -- essays re
Descartes Third Meditation Proof of Gods ExistenceIn Rene Descartes Meditations on First Philosophy, Descartes is seeking to find a system of stable, lasting and certain knowledge, which he can ultimately regard as the Truth. In his methodical interest to carry out his task, Descartes eventu in ally arrives at the proverbial fork in the road how to bridge the knowledge of self with that of the rest of the world. Descartes answer to this is to prove the human beings of God. The purpose of this essay will be to state and explain Descartes Third Meditation Proof of Gods Existence by identifying relevant concepts and terminology and their relationship to apiece other and examining each premise as well as the conclusion of the proof and finally to comment on the significance of the proof in the scene of the Evil Genius assumption. In order to begin explaining the meaning and significance of Descartes Third Meditation Proof of Gods Existence, I feel that it is very important to delim itate the terms and concepts that he uses in the meditation and the terms and concepts that I will be using throughout the paper.The first of these concepts deals with kinds of worldly concern. By this I am interested with realitys relationship to the mastermind. The two kinds of reality introduced are themeive and formal. Subjective reality involves those things which are mind dependent, more commonly thought of as ideas. It is an object which possesses twain discernible and tangible characteristics capable of being verified by all those who observe it, even without previous knowledge of such objects. It should also be state that objects of formal reality are generally the cause of objects of subjective reality.The second concept I will examine in order to fully apprise Descartes Third Meditation Proof of Gods Existence concerns Degrees of Reality. By this I mean a ranking of the representative qualities of either kind of reality. The lowest degree of reality deals with accid ents and modifications, things which are characteristics or expressions of objects with a higher degree of reality. An example of this would be the individual holes and marks on the classroom ceiling. These characteristics cannot exists by themselves and are thus subject to the existence of things in the next highest degree of reality, that of substances. Substances are finite objects or ideas with conceivable limits. I... ...ere can only be room enough for bingle all powerful being and if in fact God is that being than that leaves no room for another. Furthermore, since God possesses infinite goodness it would seem contrary to his nature to enmesh us in a continual deception based on either our apriori or aposteriori beliefs.In conclusion, Descartes Third Meditation Proof of Gods Existence represents a critical step in Descartes overall goal of obtaining a system of certain, lasting, and stable knowledge that of using the existence of God to bridge the gap amidst knowledge of s elf and knowledge of the external world. In building this bridge I must first define the different kinds and degrees of reality and how they relate to one another. From this we are able to see the logic behind Descartes Causal Adequacy Principle, follow his second premise, and reach the same inevitable conclusion that Descartes does that an infinite unfathomable substance through which all conceivable qualities without end (i.e. God) must exists. For Descartes this will lay the very foundation for him to expand beyond his limited thinking mind and begin to explore the very depths of the universe in his quest to find the Truth.
The Feudal System :: essays research papers
"The Feudal System" The feudal governing body was a political, military, and economic system based on the holding of land. The system was essential since the whole entire basis of rule from all the civilizations before the Middle Ages was lost. Early Europe was in desperate need of such a system since they were constantly existence raided by the Vikings and other outsiders. Man was lonely during the Middle Ages. Life was very harsh and everyone worked except the king. The usual life expectancy was 35. nation lived in itsy-bitsy farming communities. Everyone lived in constant fear of being raided by foreign invaders such as the Vikings. When they were not worrying about being invaded they were scared of plague and other living conditions. Mans position in the world was unknown. Knowledge, wealth, and governing body had to be recreated. Cities were far and few between and much slight populated and developed like todays cit ies. The Middle Ages was a religious age. Man clung to God as creator. People painstakingly built churches. Religion was what was the most essential to people for a long time, and to be excommunicated was horrible. As time progressed the feudal system was created. It was designed to divide the lands and protect from attack. The king first gave a fief or a piece of land to a royal vassal. As proof for this exchange in land a vassal would swear to the entitle to be his man all the days of his life and protect him against "all men who may live or die." Next came investiture. Investiture was a emblematical gesture when a King or a lord presented a royal vassal or a vassal a stick, a small rod, or a clod of earth to show that he has given him a fief. Now this royal vassal was in charge of a ample piece of land. In order to defend it he would then divide his land into smaller pieces. He would take these smaller pieces and give them to warriors or who a gree to be his own vassals. Thus, the royal vassal became a lord to other vassals. The vassals now under this lord would now divide their lands and grant fiefs to warriors of their own. Last in the dividing of land was the knight whose parcel of land was too small to be divided. Everyone in the feudal system worked except the king.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Creatine Monohydrate Supplementation :: Chemicals Anatomy Papers
creatine Monohydrate Supplementationcreatin is a metabolite that is produced naturally by the human body. It is found mainly in the red muscle tissue, but it is also present in the heart and brain. Normally, creatine is acquired through regular dietary in matter of products such as internality and fish, which are high in protein. However, when dietary expenditure is low creatine can be produced from natural amino acids such as glycine, arginine, and methionine in the liver, kidneys, and pancreas. Creatine monohydrate is the synthetic form of creatine (http// - Information on Creatine Monohydrate).How does creatine work? What is its purpose?Creatine functions to increase the availability of cellular ATP, adenosine triphosphate. Muscular contractions take place off the presence of ATP and the how quickly it can be regenerated therefore, an increase in creatine levels is thought to increase the force of muscle contractions (http// ydrate1.htm). Creatine works by acting on mechanisms of ATP by donating a phosphate ion to increase the availability of ATP. Thus, creatine claims to enhance physical performance by increasing energy and therefore, delaying or minimizing fatigue and adding to the amount of time spent training or working out (http// and http// - Information on Creatine Monohydrate).How much creatine should be taken?Currently there are no set dosage levels for creatine monohydrate because each person has a maximum level of creatine that cannot be exceeded therefore, the key to creatine is to benefit from the lowest dosage possible. The most popular dosage regiment has two phases the encumbrance phase consists of loading the body with creatine to get the levels up. In this phase, 1 heaping teaspoon dose of approximately 5grams is recommended four times daily for one to vanadium days. This is followed by the maintenance phase, which sustains the de sired high levels of creatine in the body. The dosage is lowered to 1 teaspoon one to three times a day. The intake of creatine causes the muscle cells to volumize. Basically becoming very hydrated. However, other methods suggest that the loading phase is unnecessary (http// - crdosage). It is also suggested that the most efficient way to maximise low dosages of creatine is to follow the dosage regiment in a cyclical fashion. If creatine levels are allowed to subside and then one takes the supplement, greater results bequeath be seen. In addition, more substantial improvements are likely to be seen in those with a restricted meat diet or those who are vegetarians (http//bodytrends.
Creatine Monohydrate Supplementation :: Chemicals Anatomy Papers
Creatine Monohydrate SupplementationCreatine is a metabolite that is produced naturally by the human body. It is found in general in the red muscleman tissue, but it is also present in the heart and brain. Normally, creatine is acquired through regular dietary intake of products such as meat and fish, which be high in protein. However, when dietary intake is low creatine can be produced from natural amino acids such as glycine, arginine, and methionine in the liver, kidneys, and pancreas. Creatine monohydrate is the synthetic form of creatine (http// - cultivation on Creatine Monohydrate).How does creatine work? What is its purpose?Creatine functions to increase the availability of cellular ATP, adenosine triphosphate. sizable contractions take place off the presence of ATP and the how quickly it can be regenerated therefore, an increase in creatine levels is thought to increase the force of muscle contractions (http// .htm). Creatine works by acting on mechanisms of ATP by donating a phosphate ion to increase the availability of ATP. Thus, creatine claims to enhance physical executing by increasing energy and therefore, delaying or minimizing fatigue and adding to the amount of time spent training or working out (http// and http// - Information on Creatine Monohydrate).How much creatine should be taken?Currently there are no set dosage levels for creatine monohydrate because each soulfulness has a maximum level of creatine that cannot be exceeded therefore, the key to creatine is to benefit from the lowest dosage possible. The most popular dosage regiment has cardinal phases the loading phase consists of loading the body with creatine to get the levels up. In this phase, 1 heaping teaspoon dose of approximately 5grams is recommended four times daily for atomic number 53 to five days. This is followed by the maintenance phase, which sustain s the desired high levels of creatine in the body. The dosage is lowered to 1 teaspoon one to three times a day. The intake of creatine causes the muscle cells to volumize. Basically becoming very hydrated. However, other methods suggest that the loading phase is unnecessary (http// - crdosage). It is also suggested that the most efficient musical mode to maximize low dosages of creatine is to follow the dosage regiment in a cyclical fashion. If creatine levels are allowed to subside and then one takes the supplement, greater results will be seen. In addition, more substantial improvements are likely to be seen in those with a restricted meat diet or those who are vegetarians (http//bodytrends.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Prelab for Calibration of Volumetric Glassware Essay
1). Weigh a 50 mL Erlenmeyer flaskful. Make sure the glasswork is rinse and free of any cracks or stars. Also, take note of the temperature of water, as volume varies with temperature 2). Transfer a portion of the water to flask with a pipette and record the mass of flask with the water. Use this data to calculate how more water was transferred from the pipette to the flask. 3). Repeat step two 4 times, ensuring the remaining results are similar to the first trial. Use this data to calculate the mean measuring of water transferred and the standard deviation between the data points. Calibration of a 50 mL Buret1). Fill the buret with 50 mL of the temperature-equilibrated water. Be as precise as possible in order to fuck off reliable data. If the volume changes over a period of a few minutes, obtain a new buret. Be sure to obtain the temperature of the water as well. 2). Weigh a 125 mL Erlenmeyer flask with its stopper. Again, make sure the flask is sanitary and has no cracks or s tars. 3). At a rate of 20 mL/min, open the buret stopper and allow 10.00 mL of water to overmaster into the flask. Remember to seal off the flask as soon as the water stops in order to minimize evaporation. 4). Using the technique of recital meniscuss, record the volume reading for the buret to the hundreds place. The last significant digit may be an approximation.5). Weigh of the stopped Erlenmeyer flask with the water on a scale. Determine the quantity of water transferred from the buret by finding the mass difference from the flask with no water vs. the new weight. 6). Repeat the go from three to five four more times for the remaining volume of the buret and repeat the whole procedure again with a new 50 mL volume. Remember to record all data. Also, make sure to repeat data that is not duplicated correctly to ensure accurate and precise results. 7). Use the correction data from table one in order to find the true volume of water transferred based on the temperature. Create tab les of the recorded data as well as a plot of the correction data with the apparent volume with labeled axis. Perform Calculations 8). Dispose of all glassware and materials accordingly and clean up the lab area. HazardsNo harmful chemicals will be dealt with in this lab. The only safety hazard is to be cautious of broken or chipped glassware that may cut ones skin. Make sure to report any mutilated glassware to TA and accidents in the lab must be handled properly.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Education Curriculum Essay
There is usually an existence of a gap between the objectives of a lesson and the pupil position and pertains the lesson intended. The teacher is duly bound to check sure that the applicable skills and knowledge contained in any lesson have appropriately been im fractioned into the students. The education has to proceed in places and the cognitive skills required at each bod of learning should be disciplinely set down. The teacher should be in a position to convert the most important steps in the phases into a learning existing strategy.That allows the students to learn effectively the submit matter. The teacher should as well identify the requirements of each step, while taking precautions that the student should not mold errors. The fundamental requirements should be presented in the foremost to allow the mastering of required skills to follow later. The ongoing skill wise position of the student should be place by the teacher. Guidelines in military rank checklist The e valuation checklist has guideposts which argon all important for the success curriculum instructional materials.The guidelines in the evaluation checklists ar all authoritative towards the extent the support towards learning and towards the achievement of the required instructional objectives of learning. They include Design, procedures, clarity and efficiency. (Heinich, 2002). The content of any curriculum material should not be irrelevant. A high degree of accuracy is required to make sure the pupils minds are energy are utilized competently. The guidelines are also important in that an organized format with a logical setup of content should be achieved.The brain of the student is the most crucial resource at the moment and its utilization should be well addressed. To achieve this objective it is therefore important that the guideline in the evaluation checklist exhibits just about objective which is clearly defined. This helps save time and enhances the checklist to address precisely the relevant and necessary objectives. The questions that need to be raised so as to achieve the right objectives are clearly put in a relevant capacity while the examples cited in the discussion have implacable meaning and they are of help to the students.The design guideline also allows that only the important part of the education is abandoned the right emphasis and its content is not a burden to the students. The guideline is also important as to avoid impartiality when representing the objectives by coping with gender racial, religious or ethnicity biasness. This is especially significant since the learning environment is cross-cultural and each an every recipient should be comfortable with the education brought up. The guidelines are also important towards render of currently updated and lie withly addressed information for the best comfort of the students.This will as well address the line of achievement fields needs while at the same time addressing the issu es of gender and race of the participating population. The design component is also important in that it results with information from a clearly identified source that is reliable and therefore the information by itself is also reliable. Heinich, 2002). As the learners continue to acquire skills and knowledge. The guidelines should allow the students to learn. The duty of this guideline is to help p the student, achieve this as the student moves beyond the basis of leaning.Through thinking as the students learn and apply the skills simultaneously for the health of their learning activities. The cultural diversity has been earlier mentioned which is another important aspect of the design guidelines with a consistent layout. It is also with an effective design of an evaluation checklist guideline that alone(predicate) learning techniques are applicable to the culturally diverse leaning atmosphere which has various categories of ability levels. The other significant importance of the design guideline is the provision of an easy assessment to teachers of the progress of the students.It also enhances a reading level that is only appropriate and specific to the target group, while also addressing only the relevant age and grade level. The other guideline is the procedure which is important in that it enhances the required interaction frequencies that make learning easier. The interactions are significantly vigorous, vibrant and energetic in learning the interactions out of the procedures guidelines also boosts the students moral for a continued learning allowing the students to master the already learnt concepts.The procedure also allows for complete and clear directions which facilitate the students to perform only the relevant tasks. Heinich, 2002). The other most important guideline of the evaluation checklist is clarity. Clarity is importance towards presenting the checklist in a clear easy to read and to understand test. The general format of the course lesso n also becomes attractive to the eyes of the user the layout being easier makes learners have some relative move to locate what they need. ( Gollnick and Chinn, 2002).All the necessary features of the content are easily navigated by the clarity guideline of checklist while the paragraphs in each section give a presentation of information clearly and accurately. There is also a consistency of clear and clean fonts. Heinich, 2002). The last and also most important guideline of the evaluation checklist is the efficiency of the guidelines By the use of efficiency, only the necessary information is included in the lessons. The efficiency guideline also allows that only the significant examples and practice items which are as numerous as possible are included in the lessons.This is very important towards helping student learn the relevant materials of the lesson (Gagiulo, 2003) A lesson of immensity The instructional materials evaluate checklist may be of crucial assistance to a teacher aiming at an a grade in such a subject such as racial assimilation. The objectives of this lesson is to assist the students identify the relative forces given to the various racial groups and a step to their immigration in the United States. Heinich, 2002). By the use of curriculum materials each resource should be utilise in the lesson since each carries some considerable weight towards the achievement of the overall objective.Adequacy of the Lessons in terms of the Attributes of Curricular Design To teach the objectives already identified some instructional resources for tenet are required. The issue has raised interest in the teaching of racial discrimination in the United States. The students should be made to wholly understand the process of assimilation of minority groups overtime. To achieve these, some resources such as recent statements by the government regarding its policy in respect of national minorities would be of crucial help.Another important resource would be th e historicalal reach of all the affected citizens of that particular country. The last of the resource would probable be some website data of the number of immigrants recorded overtime in the country As regards the first resource for example, the issue of The government presenting a report on the sorting of the minorities on its policy in respect of the national minorities (Gollnick and Chinn, 2002). as regards the historic background, the origin and the history f every affected group can be analyzed and given.The Adequacy Of The Lessons In Terms Of The Attributes Of Curricular Design The exercise is quite clear as transmitted during the lesson presentation This is as a result of the accurate, well organized and clearly defined design of presentation. The lesson has been supported by the necessary information required all of which has been from reliably known sources. The information has also been given with the emphasis of the most important points. (Gagiulo, 2003) The Pan balan ce equations are pre- Algebra is a previous(prenominal) lesson in the Algebra section of mathematics lesson as relates to Pan balance Equations.This is the most significant fact leading to the condition that there has been some background knowledge and information from the previous lessons. This is healthy for the student for the purpose of a good follow up and integration of the related information into the current information for a healthy learning. (Gagiulo, 2003) The lesson approaches the technique of cooperative learning some parts of inquiry and some direct operating instructions. Students should be made to use the previous knowledge learned in earlier lessons that are related to the current lessons for them benefit.This calls for cooperative learning whereby each students make a contribution of what is known to the students for the common benefits of the teacher the taught and fellow students. This is achieved through first the inquiry by the teacher to make references of the past knowledge by the students who give a direct contribution of the same as a response. ( Gollnick and Chinn, 2002). The initial ideas are used to develop more beneficial ideas. The lesson addresses a variety of learning styles and intelligence. All the possible approaches should be used for the benefit of the student.Remember that the transition between the initial steps whereby the teacher has the objectives while the student have un empty mind which should be change by the teacher is a complex one. Styles and intelligences of all range should thus be applied to come up with the required results. Questions have been asked examples have been given illustrations of various degrees applied direct facts from known sources cited all, aiming for some positive results. All these are resources at the disposal of the teacher and they must be used. The ultimate polish of the lesson is to make sure that students comfortably understand all the details of the lesson.It is therefore the requirement of the lesson to provide the teachers with the relevant method of assessing the level of understanding that has been affected by the project. The methods through which students answer projected questions on the lesson. The way the students answer short written questions and the way the they apply the knowledge accumulated to tackle exercise questions is a clear guide to the success of the provision by the lesson to assessment of understanding. (Gagiulo, 2003) Importance of selecting programs / lessons appropriate for students.I assessment of this issue levels of instruction development and reading, the goals of the curriculum, and the state of the student such as the disabilities must be all be considered. The importance of any program is to benefit. The recipient through the most efficient and comfortable method. No attempt should be encouraged to create further complication of the students. Therefore the instructional level for example is a good guide as to what instru ctions are rightful for the students. The development level of the student further guides the teacher towards the rightful resources to apply to the student.The disability status sets limits as to what practical examples should be used for the students. The reading level is a guide as to what affect the students should not be exposed to reading materials while the curricular goals should guide the teacher as to what is intended of the lesson and the final expectations. (Gagiulo, 2003) Conclusion The main aim of successful curriculum material is to achieve comprehensive learning for the overall molding of an individual in terms of skills and knowledge. This is importance for the future benefit of student the success and the teachers expect as a result of high quality of learning.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Carpe Diem Essay
Seizing the twenty-four hours has a profound significance behind it. in Latin it is known as Carpe Diem. Carpe Diem refers to holding no frighten to make something. taking opportunities and hazards. In the film The Dead Poets Society a character named Knox has a crush on a miss. while she was already dating an new(prenominal) cat. Knox was seeking to prehend the twenty-four hours by seeking to pass clip with her. There are many more illustrations of carpe diem in this exceeding film. alone this I feel is the most pertinent. Many of the verse forms that we read in category were anyway related to the unrecorded life like it is the last. The film and the other verse forms are cardinal in explicating what carpe diem truly means. The Dead Poets Society is a great illustration of prehending the twenty-four hours. Knox taking hazards. inquiring a football players girlfriend on a day of the month verbalises that he has no fright.He had no fright of the effects that would likely observe if he was of all time caught. In another illustration of the film. a character Neil defied his male parent by traveling into moving. Neils father told him that he did non desire Neil to travel into moving. and go a physician. Neil went against his male parent. and was the lead in a drama. Neil seized the twenty-four hours by making the drama. and hope that his male parent would knock forgiveness in him. These illustrations from The Dead Poets Society are great illustrations of what carpe diem signifies. Another illustration of carpe diem is the great figure of verse forms that we read in category. These verse forms besides stated the same as the film and that was to unrecorded life to the fullest every bit shortly as possible. The verse form such as O captain. my captain by Walt Whitman expressed carpe diem. which is why it was a major portion of the film The Dead Poets Society .This verse form was related to Lincoln and the civilized war. ab come out of the closet taking opportun ities and to prehend the twenty-four hours. Other verse forms stressed that we are non on this Earth everlastingly and clip is traveling by fast. so now is the clip to prehend the twenty-four hours. Poems that we read stressed the significance of carpe diem. particularly the verse form by Walt Whitman. These illustrations of the verse forms that we read in category. and the illustrations that came out of the film are great illustrations of what prehending the twenty-four hours truly means. The illustration of Knox holding no fright whatsoever by dating another guys girlfriend. shows that he is taking opportunities and wants to prehend the twenty-four hours before it is excessively late. The verse form we read such as o captain. my captain besides show prehending the twenty-four hours as good. So overall carpe diem refers to make non wait until it is excessively late. if there is an chance take it and prehend twenty-four hours no affair what the hazards or effects.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Investment Behaviour of Women Essay
AbstractThrough an analysis of new-made straightens in three polity beas in chillypensions, childcare services, and gestation/parental leavethe opus seeks to explore how equity-oriented crystalizes deal with the triple legacy of maternal quality, phallic-breadwinner bias, and market reform. Recent studies of new kind policies in Latin America claim underlined the persistent strength of maternalist assumptions. Feminist research on new cash transfer programs, in particular, has tended to see more than continuity than potpourri in the sexual practiceed underpinnings of kind constitution. This newspaper publisher suggests that once we broaden our eld of vision to include another(prenominal)(a) complaisant programs and reforms, the ways in which contemporary sociable policy (re)denes womens successful and fruitful roles, sociable rights, and obligations are more multifactorial and contradictory. Indeed, while some policies take unpaid care by women for granted, others point to an increasing awareness of inequalities Staab that condition womens and mens differential access to market income and human race friendly benets.Over the last decade, there has been a veritable explosion of scholarship on Latin American accessible policy. In part this reects the fact thatafter decades of neglectLatin American states have rediscovered social policy and scaled up their efforts to address the social fallout of liberalization. Indeed, while Washington Consensus reforms were mainly driven by the desire to cut costs and reduce the cathode-ray oscilloscope of the state, the late 1990s and 2000s have seen more coordinated state interventions to reduce poverty, inequality, and social exclusion. While not returning to post-war social justification schemes, countries in the contribution are experimenting with policies that break with the liberal notion of minimal safety nets (Barrientos et al. 2008 Molyneux 2008 Cortes 2009). What does this return of the state mean for womens social rights and upbeat? It has been argued that in contrast to the sexuality blindness of neoliberal reforms, new social policies have been gender conscious (Bedford 2007). However, relatively little systematic research has been carried out on the gender dynamics of this new social agenda (Macdonald and Ruckert 2009).The existing literature seems to suggest that there is far more continuity than change in the gendered underpinnings of new social protection programs. Feminist research on conditional cash transfers (CCTs)a key innovation associated with Post-Washington Consensus social policy in the areahas tended to stress the persistence of pregnancy (e.g., Molyneux 2007 Bradshaw 2008 Tabbush 2009), a set of ideas and practices with a long and ambiguous history in the region. Yet there is more to Post-Washington Consensus social policy than CCTs. Several Latin American countries are experimenting with other care-related policies alongside cash transfe r schemes including the introduction of profuse-day schooling, the expansion of early childhood education and care (ECEC) services, maternity/ parental leave reforms, and in recent pension reforms, the introduction of child-rearing credits. While some of these programs take the unpaid care by women for granted, others point to an increasing awareness of gender inequalities that shape womens and mens differential access to labor market income and public social benets.That these initiatives have received little scholarly attention leaves the impression that Latin American social policy is stuck on a maternalist track, when national and regional trends are likely to be more varied and entangled. Against this broader backdrop, the main aim of the paperis to reserve a better understanding of the complex and contradictoryways in which womens productive and reproductive roles, social rights, and obligations are constructed and (re)dened in the scene of recent equity-oriented reforms. I argue for a both-tiered approach. First, I propose to move beyond ace policy analysis towards a more systemic thinking that takes into account and compares developments across sectors. Second, I aim to assess these reforms according to the ways in which they have dealt with three key legacies marketization, maternalism, and male-breadwinner bias. I apply this approach to the recent reforms in Chilean social policy, a particularly intriguing case.First, Chile is often cited as the Latin American countrified where neoliberal principles have been well-nigh comprehensively applied. Its 1980s social sector reformsparticularly in pensions and healthhave long been promoted by international nancial institutions as a poseur for other countries to emulate (Taylor 2003 Orenstein 2005). Recent innovations in Chiles social policy regime thus merit close attention. Second, Chile combines market liberalism with hale social conservatism, particularly with regards to gender roles.We would ex pect these two legacies to create mounting tensions and contradictions for example over whether mothers should be at home (maternalism) or in the market (liberalism)that social and employment policies have to navigate. I have chosen to focus on the recent reforms in pension, ECEC, and parental leave policies, issues which have been high up the public agenda in Chile and elsewhere. This is reective of both broader global discourses spearheaded by international organizations such as the World Bank and the OECD, as well as a regional trend to revising social protection frameworks with anemphasis on increasing the coverage of hitherto excluded groups.1 The selection thus consciously combines two more traditional policy areas associated with social protection/consumption (pensions and maternity leave), with an emerging area geared towards social investment (ECEC). While the former were promptly undermined by structural adjustment and deliberately restructured quest the advice of intern ational nancial institutions (Orenstein 2005 Brooks 2009), the latter have acquired prominence over the past decades as a performer of reducing poverty by facilitating womens labor force participation and as a cost-efcient tool to promote human capital development by investing in early childhood development. These ideas form part of an emerging global paradigm (Jenson and Saint-Martin 2003 Jenson 2010 Mahon 2010) and seem to have ltered down to the national level with some(prenominal) Latin American countries experimenting with childcare-related reforms.2 The combination of protection and promotion implicit in this selection is also highly relevant from a gender perspective.While childcare services and parental leaves can facilitate womens engagement in paid employment, pension systems can be designed in ways that iterate labor market inequalities into unequal entitlements in old age. They thus represent two sides of the same problem, namely the bound to which the gender divisio n of labor affects womens and mens differential access to income and social security. The remainder of the paper is structured as follows.The next section briey illustrates the rationale for choosing marketization, maternalism, and male-breadwinner bias as key dimensions for assessing continuity and change. It takes a historical andregional perspective to show how they became embedded in Latin American systems of social provision. The second half of the paper then provides a detailed analysis of recent reforms in Chilean pension, childcare, and maternity leave policies. The nal section draws out some comparative conclusions about the extent to which the recent reforms have dealt with the key legacies of marketization, maternalism, and male-breadwinner bias.Maternalism, Male-Breadwinner Bias, and Market ReformTrajectories of welfare state formation and change in Latin America are in legion(predicate) an(prenominal) ways different from those of advanced economies in Europe or North America that have formed the basis for theory building. The most important battle is probably the dynamism and radixism with which development strategies have been recast over the last century (Sheahan 2002, 4). Thus, many countries moved from state-led import-substituting industrialization (ISI) in the post-war period to the rather radical application of neoliberal prescriptions following the recessions and debt crises of the late 1970s and early 1980s. These transitions left distinct legacies in systems of social provision.From the often incomplete formation of welfare institutions in the post-war era, governments in the region turned to retrenchment, deregulation, and privatization. Redistributive and universalist aspirationshowever exclusionary or stratifying these had been in practice (Filgueira and Filgueira 2002)were buried with the shift to market-led development and the region moved closer towards liberal-informal welfare regimes (Barrientos 2004). As the state was scaled back, reforms empowered disdain interests which became directly involved in education, health, and pension systems.3 Gender roles and norms as well as pervasive gender inequalities across states, markets, and households mediate womens and mens exposure to social risks as well as their specic need for social protection and services. Women submit particular challenges due tomotherhood and other caring responsibilities that societies largely assign to them (Lewis 1992 OConnor 1993 Orloff 1993). Yet, these risks and responsibilities have rarely been taken into account in the design of social policies.Thus, Bismarck-style social insurance systems, such as those founded across Latin American countries in the post-war period, had an inherent male-breadwinner bias.4 Women, in turn, tended to access social benets as wives of a male breadwinner or as mothers whose maternal functions had to be safeguarded and protected (Gimenez 2005). Motherhood became the very basis on which women staked their claims to citizenship rights and states deployed their efforts to mobilize female constituencies. At the heart of this civic maternalism was the belief that women and in particular their biological and social function as mothers had to be recognized, valued, and protected (Molyneux 2000).5 This was, in Nancy Folbres words, the patriarchal trunk onto which market reform was grafted, but which continues to inuence the shape of the tree (Interviewed by Razavi 2011). A large body of literature has documented how structural adjustment increased the overall consignment on women.Thus, where privatization and trade liberalization triggered a rise in male unemployment, women were pushed into (largely informal) paid employment to make up for lost wages. Meanwhile, retrenchment and commercialization of social services shifted more responsibilities for social provision to the domestic sphere, where the prevailing gender division of labor meant that women spent more time on unpaid reprodu ctive work (Benera and Feldman 1992 Sparr 1994 and Elson 1995). In social protection systems, the move from risk sharing to individualization exacerbated already existing gender inequalities. By tightening the kin between contributory patterns and pension benets, market reforms military groupively deepened male-breadwinner bias (Dion 2008). In health, private insurance companies were given plenty of rope for dening premiums based on gender-specic risks, such as pregnancy (Gideon 2006). As a result, the costs of biological and social rearing were further individualized and passed on to women.Paradoxically, maternalism remained a strong theme in the neoliberal era, at least at the level of public discourse (Molyneux 2000). In short, market reforms layered new gender inequalities onto the already existing legacies of maternalism and male-breadwinner bias. As a result, conservative elements exist alongside (neo)liberal elements in the contemporary welfare architecture of many Latin American countries. How are these legacies challenged or compounded by the current wave of policy innovations and reform? If the state is indeed assuming great responsibility for socialprovision, does this trend provide a more favorable context for redressing gender inequalities? More particularly, does it reect a greater recognition and redistribution of the responsibilities for and costs of care and social reproduction?The existing literature suggests that there is far more continuity than change in gendered assumptions even as new social programs are being involute out Recent studies have argued, for example, that new social programs have paid scant, if any, attention to the underlying structures of gender inequality in labor markets and households (Razavi 2007) that frugal and social policies continue to place the burden of social reproduction on families (read women) that the particular design of social programs tends to reinforce traditional gender roles without providing l ong-term strategies for womens economic security through job training or childcare provision (Molyneux 2007 Tabbush 2009) and that new social policies increase social control and surveillance of mothers child-rearing behavior and transaction (Luccisano and Wall 2009). Feminist research on CCTs, in particular, has tended to stress the persistence of maternalist orientations (e.g., Molyneux 2007 Bradshaw 2008 Tabbush 2009).This literature has been central for understanding the gendered nature of new social policies in the region and much remains to be learned about the actual diversity of these programs (Martnez Franzoni and Voorend 2009) and their impact on women from different ethnic groups (Hernandez 2011 Rivera 2011). Analytically, however, the focus on a single scheme is insufcient to assess the processes through which womens productive and reproductive roles, social rights, and obligations are currently being (re)dened. Several Latin American countries are experimenting with other social policies alongside the much-cited CCTs, including the introduction of full-day schooling, the expansion of ECEC services, maternity/parental leave reforms, and the introduction of child-rearing credits in recent pension reforms.In each of these areas, equity-oriented reformers vie with the legacies of maternalism and male-breadwinner bias, on the one hand, and the (ideological and de-facto) importance of markets, on the other hand. I argue that these struggles shape reform processes and outcomes in ways that are more complex and contradictory than the existing literature on CCTs suggests. The following analysis of Chilean social policy sets out to unravel some of these complexities by looking at the recent reforms in pensions, childcare, and leave regulations. Implicit in this approach is an understanding of the state as a concept that helps to contextualize present political conicts and policy processes (Hay and Lister 2006). In other words, previously enacted policie s, institutional choices, and strategic interactions constitute a strategically selective terrain (Jessop 1990, 203) that structures present political conict, rendering it more conducive to somedemands than others.While not determining their behavior, the ensemble of institutions and policy frameworks that comprise the state offer opportunities to and impose constraints on, the political agency of those wishing to effect policy change. The three legacies outlined above form part of the institutional landscape of the state. As such, they are shown to play a signicant role in current efforts of reform and policy innovation. While these legacies constitute the main focus of this paper, they are by no means the only factor that shape change and continuity in Chilean social policy. In fact, sector-specic actors, partisan politics, and particular political contingencies come into play to differing degrees.Furthermore, the continuity and deepening of an economic model based on trade openn ess, macroeconomic stability, monetary, and scal discipline and exible employment, forms the backdrop against which more expansive social policies have emerged as a response to persistent inequality. However, the full meaning of recent reforms cannot be understood without taking into account the gender-specic legacies in each sector.(En)gendering Change and Continuity Recent reforms in Chile Chile is a particularly intriguing case for analyzing continuity and change in social policy. On the one hand, it is often portrayed as the country where neoliberal principles have most profoundly transformed economic, social, and political institutions (Kurtz 1999 Filgueira and Filgueira 2002).While radical market reforms were carried out under the aegis of a military dictatorship (19731989), many of the models features were maintained with the return to democracy. Consequently, the countrys policy framework is often represented as particularly resistant to equity-oriented change. On the other hand, Chile combines market liberalism with social conservatismtwo features that conventional welfare regime analysis tends to locate in different clusters (the conservative and the liberal variant, respectively). young-bearing(prenominal) labor force participation is among the lowest in the region (ECLAC 2008), the countrys welfare regime has been absorbd as inherently gender aslope (Pribble 2006, 86), and conservative social normsregarding womens role in the family loom large (Contreras and Plaza 2010).6 Despite this rather unfavorable context, recent reforms suggest that these frameworks are not carved in stone. Since the early 2000s efforts to expand social protection, to improve access to and qualityof social services and to strengthen social rights have featured conspicuously on the countrys social agenda, leading some to argue that Chile may be approaching a point of inection (Illanes and Riesco 2007, 406).The following sections shed light on the complex and contradictory ways in which the triple legacy of maternalism, male-breadwinner bias, and market reform is addressed by recent reforms in pensions (adopted in 2008), childcare services (signicantly expanded since 2006), and maternity leave (reformed in 2011). Before delving more deeply into the developments in each sector, it is necessary to briey describe the broader economic and political context since the countrys return to democracy in 1990. Context of Recent Reforms and Policy Innovations The return to democracy did not signify a drastic transformation of the institutional foundations of economic and social policy inherited from the military regime (Moulian 2002 Taylor 2003 Borzutzky 2010).In fact, in macroeconomic terms the center-left society coalition Concertacion that governed the country from 1990 to 2010 validated and deepened the neoliberal model based on trade openness, macroeconomic stability, monetary and scal discipline and exible employment. To offset some of its worst effects, social spending increased steadily which, together with economic growth and employment creation, dramatically reduced absolute poverty from 38.6 percent in 1990 to 13.7 percent in 2006 (ECLAC 2008), although it did relatively little to improve income distribution or lessen social inequalities and fragmentation in education, health, and social protection (Solimano 2009).Explanations for this continuity are manifold, including the formidable constraints place onthe autonomy of the rst Concertacion governments by authoritarian enclaves in the political system that granted right-wing political opposition important veto powers the resistance of vexation interests whose power increased as a result of market reforms the weakness of other civil society actors, particularly labor a political nicety eager to avoid the kind of political confrontation that preceded the military coup and the adoption of market-oriented ideas by key decision makers within the centerleft coalition itself (e.g . Kurtz 2003 Castiglioni 2005 Borzutzky and Weeks 2010 Ewig and Kay 2011). The result of this complex and contradictory process has been exposit as a Chilean Third Way characterized by an unwavering commitment to trade liberalization and privatization despite bulky public opposition and a predisposition to a policy process that discourages participation by civil society and rank-and-le party members, while affording business access to thehighest reaches of government (Sandbrook et al. 2007, 16465).This set-up makes some policy areas more amenable to equity-enhancing reforms and innovations than others. As the economic model rests upon a exible and restrictive labor regime (Frank 2004), social policy is largely conned to enhancing workers ability to compete on the market and to mitigating some of the worst risks that unregulated and precarious employment entails. This goes a long way to rationalize why the two socialist-led governments of Ricardo Lagos (20002006) and Michelle Bach elet (20062010) spearheaded health reform, pension reform and childcare service expansion in order to enhance equity, while shying away from reforms related to the countrys labor market where many of the fundamental social inequalities originate. While theBachelet administrations employment policy and labor relations have been described as disappointing, (Lopez 2009 Sehnbruch 2009), it did turn social protection into a key priority. The conceptual pillars of her strategy included a life-course approach to social protection and the attempt to antecede a rights-based perspective (Hardy 2011).The latter materialized in a gradual lifting of budgetary restrictions on social assistance7 and the progressive relaxation of eligibility requirements for accessing a range of benets. The life-course approach, in turn, is captured in repeatedly stated commitments to create equal opportunities and protect citizens from the cradle to old age. Tellingly, its translation into policy focused on the two extremes of the life course, namely the reform of the pension system and Chile Crece Contigo, an integrated early childhood protection system that included the massive expansion of childcare services. The working-age population remained caught in the middle with persistently low employment quality, including a high level of job instability and the limited reach of employment-based rights and benets, a scenario that disproportionately affects women workers (Sehnbruch 2009).8 Thus, the attempt to square greater equity and social inclusion with an open economy inuenced the scope and locus of policy change during the Bachelet administration. While acquiring greater visibility, social protection remained subordinate to macroeconomic goals, including those related to employment, understood as not interfering with job creation through greater regulation and rights for workers. In this context, it is particularly surprising that a highly controversial employment-related reform was intro duced under the new right-wing government of Sebastian Pinera (2010) which, in 2011, expanded (women) workers rights through a reform of maternity leave regulations.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
The Movie Argon did non win the Oscar for the best characterization Just because people liked It. Argon Is a painting directed and produced by Ben Fleck, In the exposure Ben Fleck also plays the role of a main(prenominal) character along with Bryan Cranston, Alan Irking, and John Goodman. The movie plays during the time Irans Revolution. The movie based Itself on 6 Americans that work in the US embassy In Tehran and when the Persian protesters break Into It they manage to escape and take shelter In the Canadian ambassadors souse.The CIA decides to collaborate with Hollywood and created a fake movie called Argon and the plan they had consisted In Glenn the 6 Americans fake passports, visas and take them out of the country Like If they where crew from the movie. I in reality enjoyed Argon but the things I like the more impart be the acting, the set design and the movie plot. In my opinion the best thing about Argon will definitely be the story plot. The movie attracts many peop le because based on a true story movies make people want to pass t because you can actually see what happened with the people that lived thru those moments.It shows how one thing led to another, and the exact details, for example when the main actor (Ben Fleck) comes up with the idea while he talks with his son on the phone and they both watch a movie about space invaders. The set design in Argon makes the movie even more fascinating. any the scenes in the movie where supposed to be filmed in Tehran where actually in the US and I bet most people really thought they where filmed on Tehran, it can even be passed as a documentary limed by someone at the moment.The actors where also perfect in the movie, starting by Ben Fleck, he played the role of Tony Mended from the CIA and he is the one who extracts the Americans from Iran. Hes character make a really good part because he made Tony Mended look like a passionate man, passionate for his work, his family, but also he was really smart and seemed to be professional at making strategies In stations like the ones In Iran. Goodman and Irking play the role of the producer and the director of the fake movie.Many laughters come from them, they give the movie a comedy part even though the movie has nothing to do with comedy, both actors give an example of Hollywood people, mean but comedy mean and they have enemies and of course both of them be rich people. Even though Argon won the Oscar for the best picture and for many people It was with out doubt the best movie, there will hushed be people that disagree with this decision and of course the movie has its flaws because for what I know no movie has There exist a problem, Argon makes the situation look like if the extraction of the 6Americans was all thanks to Tony Mended and the CIA, when on the true story people like the Canadian ambassador had more to loose than its reputation. In abnegation to Argon the movie can certainly be bias, and since Americans made the m ovie and they save Americans they want to make the US the protagonist of the movie, but that does not mean they say that Canada and other places had nothing to do with the extraction. I have also heard people say that they find offensive the fact that Goodman and Irking laugh about the situation when they are next to the pool in theirBeverly Hills mansion, and not in a live or die situation. Again in Argos defense those parts only give the characters characteristics and gives us a taste of a Hollywood life. Argon definitely deserved the Oscar for best picture even though it had flaws it still makes a fabulous movie. The movie fabulously comes from its set design, acting and plot. But lets also give credit to the amazing actor and director the movie had, Ben Fleck. So liked or not the movie people cant deny argon buck yourself caused tremendous laughs in people.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Is Proof of the existence of God Neccessary
Or Are Science And Religion In Conflict? institution Mankind is created in the image of divinity fudge does not actu in eithery refers to the biological systemal or the bodily forms as idol Is a spoilt. The manly body does not belong to the image since God has no body as described earlier. One of the ideologists suggests that Adam resembled Christ more than Christ would have resembled his testify peerless-half brothers. The main aspect of the image in God deals with the fact that God endues some of his divine characteristics to the man.This, therefore, demarcates man from the beasts and other creatures of the earth (Gardener, 2002). There atomic number 18 distinct opinions regarding this notion amongst the Christians as to what exactly image in God means. As man was do in the image of God so whoever sheds mans blood, his blood result also be shed. As every single Individual Is made in the Image of God, everyone should be continueed equ eachy. More everyplace, man should be treated with pureness and dignity because they reflect God. We know that many people on this course of the earth atomic number 18 full of sliminess and hatred, and we should try our best to treat all of them equally.The term image in God has been mentioned In Bible thrice. In genesis, it has been Illustrated that man was created In the Image of God. In Cord.. A phrase proved that saviour was actually the Image of God. These two verses can mean that Gods character and attributes atomic number 18 reflected directly in man. This cannot be related with a physical means surely as Jesus remarks in John that God is a spirit and spirits are not made up of bones and class. Thus, one can say that Image of God totally deals with Gods reflection in man (Lewis C. 2005) Discussion and Analysis A vocation can be delineate as a call or summon. It can be regarded as an occupation for which a man is perfectly suitable. The meanings of this term first emerged from The everyday liking of vo cation is centrally based over the Christian belief that God has created every single person with a specific cause. God has bestowed man with gifts and talents that are specifically oriented towards ways and purposes of tone. In the Catholic Churches, the whole idea behind the vocation is the divine call associated to the Church and humanity.More specifically, we can say that Christian vocation mainly deals with the use of ones gifts in their professional life, family and church in order to achieve the greater source of good (Kelly, 2002). Thus, God in His seminal purpose has created man by His own image. Gods grand design of a man narrates His uniqueness. All of humanity is made in the image of God. Genesis tells that God created man from His own image and His own likeness. This can be regarded as an important scripture. Man in Gods image or Imago Die should be primarily related to mans relation to God. It suggests moreover that man should strive to be relational (Fry D. 200). Ma ny people in this world are enduring with poverty, terrorism, and mutinously suffering from diseases of all kinds. These calamities depict evil at their intense, nonetheless evil is far more extreme than these. Evil is somewhat factually spread in the whole world. However, at long last evil does not triumph. Human beings are not evils. Because of the fact, that we withdraw ourselves from Hitler and POI Pot. We admire Mother Theresa and Ghanaian. Yet, people are committing wrong deeds such as, put own wants ahead of the others welfare, and even ahead the welfare of the planet.Evil is the most mystifying feature of the human beings life (Kelly, 2002). There is one way to protect human beings from evil and nefarious deeds, which is accepting the concept of existence of God. According to Christian point of view, God is the concept of sovereign being. God is the originator, aristocrat, and owner of our lives. He created everything. He is autocratic he knows everything, every emotion an d situation of the entire living organism. Nothing can be hidden from Him. We should worship towards Him for all His blessings. He is our rescuer, dissolving all our sinful deeds so that we can reunite with Him again.Nevertheless, we cannot proof concept of God in scientific terms. All living organisms are finite creatures we are yet, after so many centuries this globe has created, striving to comprehend what should be an infinite creature if perhaps He exists. Human beings, as finite creatures inspect for an opening and an ending. It is even mentioned in the Bible that God is the Alpha and Omega. Nonetheless, if for suppose, humans are gods, they would merely survive in the 4th dimensional state. Humans fair(a) cannot comprehend this philosophy. It is mention in the Bible, God is love. The supremacy to create and demolish life requires the cultivating of love (Matthews, 2008). The notion that man is created in the image of God emphasizes and promotes the meaning of life. It mean s that human life is to be respected and reverenced as it promotes sacredness and preciousness. Sanctity of life is grounded in the fact that acts like abortion is considered a beneficial sin against God (Anthony A, 1986). There are many Christian Coalitions that warn that anyone who wants to enjoy a happy afterlife needs to believe in the teachings of God.However, we catch out that a large majority of Americans never attend church, and some have even adopted atheist philosophies. Yet, these individuals behave responsibly and serve the country way better than many religious priests. Throughout history, we can find exceptional examples of American heroes observing ethical standards. These include Mark Twain, Margaret Ganger and Tom Paine. The Humanistic antenna to ethics has deep roots in the development of Greece to the Renaissance period which later led to the democratic societies we have in the western civilization.Similarly, there are many philosophers in history we rejected t he traditional approach to theistic morality and developed their own code of ethics by observing the principles of logic and rational persuasion. These include the lights of Emmanuel Kant, Stuart Mill and Sidney Hook. All of these philosophers maintain that for a person to be moral, he needs to have a strong control over his desires and temperament. Image Die also deals with dignity and worth of each individual as a whole. This has a huge and profound impact on how we treat and deal with others.The image of god thus eradicates this discrimination and biasness among people. It condemns any kind of exploitation in terms of color, gender, economic status, ethnicity or age. Dignity should be maintained under this concept of Image Die equally for everyone (Nancy P, 2004). The belief and concept behind the existence of God can be understood by this case. A man is lying on the hospital bed, and undergoing cancer treatment and surgery. His thoughts are racing from one concern to another. E verything, which was most important to him, is of no importance.He is only thinking about the people he loved and the relationships, he had with them. God has made everyone in this world full of love and affectionate. If love disappears from every living organism, then this world will remain no more. He always asks from his God, Why me? However, after a day, he also thought, Why not me? This was the mime that made very little sense to him. He thought about himself, he is a good person, a God concerning individual who had lived a righteous life and shared a healthy lifestyle than others who lived alongside him. Still, He was in the hospital, fighting with a serious disease, which would take him to the door of death. He was full of fear and anxiety, and in the evil hour of 300 400 am he was awakened by nightmares, telling him about the Judgment day. His enemy cancer had consumed his flesh and mind, as well. After some time, he started to suffer with depression. Everyone was deali ng with his sickness, not him (Dealers, 2012). Conclusion The fact that we are made in Gods image has something to learn from general living. People often strive to understand their identity.Genesis teaches u s that all these questions can only be answered in relation to God. For this, the scriptural truth should be shared globally by all the Christians. Moreover, as remarked above theology of the business leads us to more Christian values and propel us to founder the Kingdom of God in accordance with the teachings as portrayed in holy books. Conclusively, a robust view of Imago Die is an essential overview of bible. It informs us with the reasonableness of all purposes in relation with God. Christians should embrace the biblical account on the values of man.
Monday, May 20, 2019
A commemorative speech Essay
A commemorative nomenclature be speeches of praise or celebration. The vocaliser aims of this speech is to pay tribute to a person, a group of people, an institution, or an idea. Each speech that you go forth give has a purpose. In a commemorative speech the of import purpose is inspire your audience. The speaker unit is trying to arouse and heighten the audiences appreciation of or admiration for the person, institution, or idea you are praising. When boastful a commemorative speech it is important for the speaker to express feelings that connects with what your talk about. You want to capture the audience and invite them in and let them see why you are giving praise to whatever it is you might be. A commemorative speech depends mostly on the creative and sagacious use of language. When giving a commemorative speech it is most successful when the speaker is meaningful and invigorate with the use of language. Your ability to put your real thoughts and emotions into your wor ds can great benefit how the audience will react to what you have said.The speaker will have a greater effect on grabbing the audiences perplexity if he or she focuses on specific details for instance tone, repetition, and vivid language.The book gives us an example of how a few changes to the opening of a speech can have a dramatic affect. victimisation these specific language techniques can also keep the audience interested in what the speaker is saying. A commemorative speech is about praising or celebrating something and if we were to stand up and give a speech in a monotone voice than it wouldnt seem like we were praising or celebrating anything. item language techniques that would be appropriate for a commemorative speech would be metaphor, simile, parallelism, repetition, antithesis, and alliteration. As a speaker your biggest challenge is to get the audience to imagine what your saying. Christenings, weddings, funerals, graduations, award ceremonies, inaugurals, and reti rement dinners are all examples of commemorative speeches. If the speaker does not pay specific detail to the use of language than the speech will not be successful.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Discipline and Punishment
The words soften and penalisation mess often be used to mean the same thing. But they argon very diametric from each other. To me discipline is a means of helping a small fry to produce how to act when they are in public as well as when the parent is non around for pillow slip whether it be at school, their grandparents house, or when being babysat a babe should always act as if their parents are on that point which means being respectful, listening as well as doing what you are told. I feel same(p) discipline should never stray away from the fact the you are trying to focus on the commanding aspects and self esteem of the developing peasant.The reason for discipline is to help a babe learn how to soften their demeanour as well as their emotions and the child should be reassured with firm reminders. punishment is besides another form discipline. There are several methods to physical penalty which would including spanking, push-ups, squatting against a wall, or eve n hitting. There are psychological punishments such as taking away privileges, extra chores, paper sentences, or sending a child to their room. The reason for punishments is to discourage unacceptable demeanor.To most people discipline and punishment john be viewed as the same, but there are certain methods to discipline and punishment that are different. Punishment and discipline methods both have some similarities that attempt to correct the negative behavior at hand. Punishment removes the accountability for the misbehavior from the child. Punishment is not really teaching a child what they did is wrong and what to right the next time. Punishment is ultimately telling the child if they do something wrong past they will be punished whether it be push ups, extra chores, or TV. taken away.Children need to learn that they need to take accountability for their own actions to be able to exercise self-control so that they can be successful as well respected adults. The objective of punishment is to stop a child from misbehaving. However, punishment usually only stops the behavior for that short period of time the punishment is given. Punishment does not necessarily not teach a child how to not do the same behavior again in the future. Severe punishments can cause physical and emotional damage that could last passim a childs life. Harsh punishments can also lead to abuse which could follow on to their children as well.another(prenominal) difference between discipline and punishment is that punishment only works in the present. If a child is punished by being spanked or screamed at, they will learn not to misbehave when someone can see what they are doing but, they are not learning how to not misbehave in the future. Discipline is knowing to teach a child how to exercise self-control and how to not repeat the misbehavior in the future. For example if the child is with a group of friends who decided to do drugs, that child has been taught through the discipline and guidance of their parents that drugs are bad.So as a result the child has enough self-control and discipline to know not to follow in their friends footsteps. Discipline and punishment are different in that discipline is an on freeing learning process that allows parents to teach their child self-control, respect, and the importance of acceptable behavior and non-acceptable behavior. In life a child is going to become an adult and be faced with obstacles and barriers that will test their morals and set that their parents instilled in them.Parents have a responsibility to communicate their expectations to their child in a manner that the child will understand. Which also means knowing what is acceptable behavior and what is not acceptable behavior. There are many types of discipline, and punishment is one of them. Punishment can work in the moment, but as a parent it is their job to commit to a discipline process that is ongoing throughout their childs development to rightful ly change the behaviors in a child Discipline and Punishment
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Communication Breakdown
Communication crack-up Deborah Tannen in her essay Sex Lies and Conversation points out the problems in communication between genders. She focuses on conversational styles and on how a someones takeations of ones reaction may cause mis witnessing. She emphasizes the vastness of something she calls cross cultural communication. Tannen believes that in order to overtake properly with the reversion sex we must use up their culture and adapt to conversation with them. First, Tannen describes the differences in how children interact.Most of what we know rough communication we examineed when we were children. When women ar teeny girls, they have best friends, ones we can sh are our secrets with. When we get a little older and have a relationship with the opposite sex we endure the same kind of communication. Tannen believes the importance is not necessarily the musical theme but the feeling that you get from conversation and points out ,What is important is not the individual subjects that are let out but the sense of affaire, of a life shared, that emerges when people tell their thoughts, feelings and impressions (51).We must get wind to socialize with the opposite sex the same way we do with the same sex. If we could learn to connect and have the sense of closeness with the opposite sex we might be able to snuff it successfully. Tannens research has shown that men socialize differently as boys and Since they dont assume babble is the cement that binds the relationship, men dont know what kind of talk women want, and they dont miss it when it isnt there(51). Tannen points out that boys learn to communicate in larger groups, often struggling not to be in the subaltern piazza of the conversation.Men do not wish well to listen they like to feel like they are the superior person in the conversation. (51) Communication starts in puerility and what we have learned to expect from conversations. Next, Tannen observes how men and women listen to each othe r and how this can cause misunderstanding between genders . She feels that there is confusion about what women expect and declares, When women talk to each other in a close, comfortable setting, they often overlap, finish each others sentences and anticipate what the other is about to say (53).Tannen also talks about listener noise. Women often leave alone say mhm or uhuh and men do not do these things when they talk to each other. Women are flavour for that listener noise and if he is silent, she thinks he is ignoring her but on the same token Tannen notes, Men who expect silent attention interpret a stream of listener noise as overreaction or vexation (53). Body language and conversational habits are causing women to feel like they are being do by and men to feel as if they are being interrupted.When a woman is having a conversation they expect the listener to express agreement and be supportive of the conversation. Men, on the other hand, feel it is their conversational resp onsibleness to express other positions in the argument. (53) Learning the importance of building a rapport with the person you are talking to may be another way to have successful conversation with the opposite sex. Finally, Tannen believes that erudition how the opposite sex communicates is the key. If we can learn what to expect when communication with someone then we can learn how to respond.Tannen suggests A sociolinguistic approach by which male-female conversation is seen as cross- cultural communication allows us to understand the problem and forge solutions without blaming either party(54). Tannen stresses the importance of telling the other person how you feel about their communication with you and advises, Women who feel abandoned and deprived when their husbands wont listen to or report occasional news may be happy to discover their husbands trying to adapt once they understand the redact of small talk in womens relationships (55).It is really not the male or females fault that we communicate the way we do but it is our fault if we do not speak up and tell them it bothers us. When we are in a relationship with another person we just have to adapt to the way they communicate to make the relationship work. If a woman learns to accept that her husband is not going to communicate with her like her best girlfriend did in her childhood then she can look for other people to allow in those types of conversation with. (55) Learning to communicate with the opposite sex involves many different things.Communication is something that is learned in childhood but mostly with the same sex. In order to have a successful relationship with nice communication we must understand that men and women have very different body language when communicating and that they do not respond the same. Accepting that there is a difference in the communication of genders and encyclopaedism to adapt is paramount in relationships. Tannen, Deborah. Sex, Lies and Conversation. The Norton Mix. Judy Sieg. New York W. W. Norton & Company, 2012. 45-55. Print.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Modern Accounting Systems Essay
All the brasss in the world ar aiming at expanding both in terms of the gains they put on and the number of customers they watch and this has seen a lot of improvements in al nigh(prenominal) completely told sectors of the brasss. The bill sector has encountered a high take aim improvement due to the introduction of the current account statement dodgings. Modern account systems rush ensured that the presidencys carry out their score system work with the pulmonary tuberculosis of redbrick report systems that are more efficient compared to the to begin with accounting systems.Organizations that get adopted the new-make accounting systems have had an added advantage over those that have not. In the current dynamic economic world governments are trying very hard to be more competitive than their rivals and adopting the advanced accounting systems has functioned organizations attain a competitive advantage. just about of the leading accountants in the world bot h in the private and in the public sector have realized the postulate for better and effective accounting systems.In addition to the modern accounting systems organizations have realized that at that place is need to have knowledge of accounting principles because the modern systems cannot achieve their anticipated results without the proper knowledge. For organizations to best cause their resources they have to come up with a flair of measuring the resources and this has seen the accounting sector of many organizations to be very crucial in the forethought of the organization. Basically an accounting system is supposed to help an organization in understanding its operations and also know if it is do profits or losings.Without an accounting system the organization whitethorn not be able to predict any shortages in the cash fly the coop or in other crucial resources. An accounting system allows an organization to have a drop off of all its debtors and thusly it is able to k now those customers or clients that have not cleared their debts or those who are paying at a slow rate. This helps the organization to determine the credit worthiness of its clients and thus it knows the limits to which it may extend its credit services.Organizations in the early days needed an accounting system that would meet the fundamental needs of an accounting system but currently due to the revolution in the sector close to organizations have become very innovative ion the accounting sector (Jae and Joel, 2000). The accounting perspective of both itty-bitty organizations and large organizations has currently undergone a huge revolution with the introduction of the modern management accounting systems. Most organizations have therefrom concentrated on their accounting systems with the hope of improving them by use of modern management accounting models.Modern accounting systems have played a very crucial eccentric in organizations in that they help the managers make dec isions regarding the organization. Managers are also able to set realistic strategic goals for the organization and ensure that the goals are achieved within the set timeframe by use of the modern accounting systems. Compared to the earlier days managers would set goals that would not be achieved by the organization and therefore the organization ends up expenditure a lot of time and resources in efforts to achieve the goals.This sum that organizations are now able to use their resources and time in achievable goals and therefore they attain a competitive advantage over their rivals in the market. Issues related to platformning and controls within the organization are catered for by the modern accounting systems and so the workers and the management work toward achieving a common goal for the improvement of the organization. Due to the use of modern accounting systems more or less organizations are getting to their full capacity levels and also enjoying an annex n their sales l eading to an increase in the profits.The modern systems have also encouraged an increase in the level of automation and cybernation in organizations because most of these systems require organizations to automate or computerize their operations. Automated operations have been seen to be more efficient as compared to manual operations. This is because the number of errors make in an automated system is furthest below the errors on a manual accounting system. An accounting system that has a lot of errors allow result to errors in the whole organization which then leads to losses.Organizations that have automated their systems due to the use of modern accounting systems are more likely to expand at a higher rate as compared those operating manually. For organizations to succeed in the current competitive economic environment they have to ensure that all the necessary requirements by the impartiality are met. unmatched of the major reasons why organizations fail is because of increa se occupations with the law authorities and other tax collection authorities. The early accounting systems did not have an effective core of ensuring that the organization does not collide with the authorities.This is different with the modern accounting systems because they reduce the problems that used to exist betwixt the organization and the authorities. An organization that has fewer problems with the authorities is able to reduce its expenses because it does not fall a victim of the fines that are put on organizations that evade tax and laws. The traditional accounting system did not die the required attention to the internal and external make up controls and so it ended up matching the expenses and the revenues of organizations in the wrong way.This wrong match led to organizations mismanagement due to wrong estimation of the revenue or the expenses. Modern accounting systems emphasize on internal and external cost controls and therefore organizations get the office mat ch of their revenue and expenses (Brynjolfsson and Hitt, 2000). The use of modern technologies that enable organizations to collect, monitor and disseminate breeding has do it affirmable for organizations to enter into proceeding with other organizations and this has ensured that organizations become more profitable.Modern accounting systems have allowed organizations to enter into flourishing inter organizational markets. Organizations have therefore been able to come up with joint ventures so as to be more competitive in the market and has seen organizations dominate markets hence high and continued profits. The mastery of joint ventures depends on the availability of information to both organizations and the modern accounting systems are a honorable source of information because all the information regarding the organization is stored in the systems (William, 2007).The modern accounting systems have helped organizations to plan their resources in the right way. Resource pla nning in organizations is very crucial since lack of planning leads to losses within the organization or the organization is unable to attain its goal. One of the major resources that the modern accounting systems have been known to plan is the human resource. An organization that adopts the modern accounting system finds it easier to manage the employee because information regarding all the employees is stored in the systems.The old accounting system did not have a way of storing all the information of the employees especially in large organizations and so the organizations could not achieve the best out of the employees. Those organizations that have adopted modern accounting systems are able to manage their cost more efficiently as compared to other organizations. Cost management is different from the cost accounting in that it is concerning with the management of costs whether or not those costs impact directly on the monetary accounts or the inventory.Modern accounting systems change the cost accounting procedures and this helps the managers of organizations to effectively manage and control the costs in the organization. Organizations that achieve effective cost management have increased quality, amend overall management and a better cost. The traditional accounting systems were very complex due to the many transactions that were involved and the numerous data that had to be handled by the systems.This made them quite tedious as compared to the modern accounting systems that are easy to work with and therefore the accountants do not get exhausted when working with these systems and this ensures that they do not make errors in their work. The modern accounting systems adjudge the management needs of the organization and therefore they are useful in making decisions regarding the pricing, marketing, design of the product and they enhance continued improvements in the operations of the organization.Organizations that have adopted the modern accounting s ystems have been seen to reduce their levels of inventory and this means that they invest less in inventories. The overall inventory level is cut down because the systems require the smallest quantity of inputs and materials at any time (Charles and Walter, 2007). The other major difference that the modern accounting systems have brought to the modern organizations is that there is easy access to the financial statements of the modern organizations.When an organizations financial statements are easy to access it becomes easier for other individuals outside the organization to detect any mistakes in the statements and demand explanation. Organizations that have an easy way of accessing their financial statements will also develop a positivist reputation from the general public and therefore more people will like to be associated with the organization. This means that the organization will increase its sales and consequently the profits will also go up.The organization also builds a strong relationship with the employees because they are able to access the financial statements and this helps them gauge their productiveness to the organization. Accountability is a very crucial issue in the current market environment. Modern accounting systems ensure that the management of the organization is accountable for all the resources that are at their disposal. Accountability of the management has seen most of the modern organizations eliminate the issue of corruption which greatly harms the organization if it is nurtured.The stakeholders of the modern organizations have also increased their confidence in the organizations because they find it easy to access the financial statements of the organization. Organizations that have adopted the modern accounting systems are able to acquire more finances compared to others. This is because the financial institutions are able to access the financial statements of these organizations and at the same time monitor their cash flow so as to determine if the organization is able to repay the amount of money borrowed.Organizations that use the modern accounting systems have an easier system of monitor their accounts and so the government finds it easier to work with such organizations. This means that this kind of organizations have now started receiving government support opposed in the past when it was quite difficult for the government to gain access to the financial accounts of many organizations (Brynjolfsson, and Hitt, 2000).Organizations that use the modern accounting systems are able to cut down their workforce because the systems do not require a huge labor force. This is because most of the modern accounting systems are computerized and therefore the tasks that would be done by a group of employees are carried out by a single employee with the help of a machine like a computer. The accounting information is also stored in a synthetic rubber manner and this means that the information may not be tampe red with.Tampering with the accounting information of an organization may result to huge losses or the organization may damage its reputation and therefore it looses its customers and employees. Service offering organizations like banks and hospitals have felt the effect of the modern accounting systems in that unlike in the past when attending to their clients was a tedious and time consuming exercise, the modern systems have made it possible for employees to attend to clients at a higher rate and effectively.This has increased the number of clients that the organizations attend to and therefore there is an increase in the profit of the organization. Currently there is uniformity in the accounts of many organizations and this has made it easier for government and the public to scrutinize the accounts unlike in the past when each organization had its own way of recording its transactions. The cost of communication and transport that organizations used to incur in the early days has been reduced by the evolution of the modern accounting systems.This is so because the systems are mostly computerized and therefore most of the transactions can be made over the internet instead of having to travel long distances. On the other hand the modern accounting systems have some disadvantages although they do not outweigh the numerous benefits to organizations. One of the major disadvantages of the modern accounting systems is that they have made many individuals lose their jobs.One example is that in the early days when all transactions had to be done on paper there were bookkeepers and other employees who were in charge of maintaining the files, these group of people lost their jobs with the evolution of the modern accounting systems. The other problem is that the modern accounting systems make use of the internet to make transactions which many see as a risky way because of the numerous internet hackers.In conclusion the current modern accounting systems have led to an i mprovement in the management and the productivity of most modern organizations.Apart from improved accounting systems most organizations have had improved managerial operations derived from the modern accounting systems. The systems have made the following major differences in the modern organizations reduced the problems of tax authorities, it is now easier to access the financial statements of most organizations, the systems provide an excellent tool for management of organizations and it is easier to report the transactions of organizations.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Luxury Watches
Marketing 48-Hour Report The Jewelry Industry Luxury Watches Section 2 Group Number 7 Group Members 250556161 250517768 250572192 250568255 250582064 Executive Summary Rolex is currently facing a fuss in their blot placement in the U. S. sumptuousness meet grocery store. In the courses following the 2008 recession, Rolexs competitors Breitling and ezed set about outpaced them in merchandise division get downth. This report aims to analyze the reasons behind this decline and to lead a recommendation for Rolex to reaffirm position as the market draw.Our industry analysis shows that despite measly from the sales decline during the recession, the lavishness expect market has regained a growth rate of 7% after 2010. The intense competition within the industry and increasing usage of mobile phones for timekeeping absorb transformed consumers preferences for holdes. The address market of the luxuriousness watch market consists of ample males with higher(prenominal) g rooming and active lifestyle.They perceive luxuriousness wristwatches as a piece of craftsmanship that represent their identity and socioeconomic status. The competitor analysis depicts that in the opulence watch market, although Rolex has established its reputable cipher as the market leader, it has non achieved effective merchandising strategies and not adapted to consumers call for and desires. In contrast, Omega has responded to changes in consumers preferences and Breitling has evolved its core disgrace image to pay off much market share.Our short term recommendations for Rolex revolve around addressing the current, kn birth consumer shift to mechanical watches, as well as fixing realigning their market to be forward facing with thetowards the 35-44 age category of a decade ago, but to the 35-44 category of today. This involves pushing their current Daytona line as well as decision a fresh parvenue marking ambassador such(prenominal) as Orlando Bloom. In the long t erm, Rolex necessitate to connect to the younger consumer particle and fix their current image of being a dated or grandfatherly watch.They also need to react faster to market trends and leverage their position as the industry leader to set trends instead of remaining passive in the market. We recommend they start a Rolex membership auberge and to start hosting exclusive events derriereing the profuse young male crowd to grade their future customer base. demonstration This report analyzes the extravagance wristwatch segment of the jewellery industry in the U. S. , specifically the grime positioning of Rolex as compared to the their competitors Omega and Breitling.In recent years Rolex has not kept pace with other companies in the luxury watch industry in terms of trends, image and ultimately market share. Omegas market share has been trending upwards worldwide (World Watch Report, 2012) and Breitling in particular has just finished a co- soiling scat that positioned them i n closer competition with Rolex in the U. S. and increased market share by an impressive 8% (World Watch Report, 2012).By analyzing the jewelry industry, draw a bead on segment, direct competition, and the strengths and weaknesses in Rolexs company and fault, this report provides recommendations for Rolex that will champion to reposition the brand to recapture market share in the U. S. luxury wristwatch market. Industry virtually jewelry sold in the U. S. is imported (Jewelry Retail. 2011), and the luxury wristwatch segment is dominate by Swiss watchmakers. The Swatch Group, owners of Omega, are the largest and altogether public Swiss watch company.They compete alongside a multitude of strong private companies. The market leaders in this luxury category are Rolex, Omega and Cartier and combine for a (global) market share of 41% (World Watch Report, 2012). The performance of the jewelry industry, comprised of diamond jewelry and loose diamonds (45%), watches (13%), gold jewelry (10%), and colored gemstone jewelry (8%), is strongly correlated to the performance of the parsimony (INSEAD report, footnote jewelry industry beta = 1. 8). Jewelry sales are also highly seasonal, with the bulk of sales happening the the fourth quarter leading up to Christmas (Jewelry Retail. 2011),). The 2008 recession and later(prenominal) lack of consumer confidence led to an al more or less 14% sales decline in the industry from 2008-2010. This in turn impacted the distribution channels of umpteen foreign watch brands in the U. S. , as many of the smaller jewellery boutique watch specialists they relied on went out of business.As the watch brands themselves survived the recession, mainly by means of inflate sales in China, they have started to take advantage of their relative strength by opening their own brand specific stores in the United States. Having assumed the position of both wholesaler and retailer, they will have more image control and higher margins on their own products. In 2011, the economy improved and affluent consumers of luxury jewelry regained their confidence and once again began spending their money. This increase in demand has since tapering off off in 2012, but growth is still expected to continue (Exhibit 1).The luxury wristwatch segment of the jewelry industry is projected to grow at a rate of 7% per year (Watches in the US, 2012), which is the higher than the general wristwatch industry growth of 4% (Watches in the US, 2012)) and once again, slightly higher than the jewelry industry sightly growth of 6% (Jewlerry in the US, 2012). Competition within the industry is the elementary directr of innovation and change. As the industry is extremely mature and the products lack a patentable attribute that seat define them, brands mainly compete on design, quality, and brand image. howevermore, mobile phones with clock features, which have saturated 96% of the American market, have reduced the timekeeping importance of the wristw atch. Thus consumers are shifting towards purchasing watches strictly as luxury items or to make a fashion statement. Ultimately, luxury watchmakers must handle their brands with care, or chance losing to a more consistent competitor. Target Segment With many similarities between luxury watch brands, butt market selection is paramount. In addition, brands must choose a market segment that they can grow with. Though 50% of all affluent consumers in the U.S. are aged 35-44 and 45-54, from a brand candor perspective it would not make sense to start marketing to just the older segment because this is the constitute where the brand should already have a affinity with the consumer (Affluent Consumer, 2009) Therefore, by primarily targeting the 35-44 year old demographic, luxury watch brands are able to establish consciousness and recognition that can build to a kind that will last with that consumer as they age. Additionally, by selecting a male demographic, watchmakers gain access to the majority of the affluent population.Thus, the common target segment between Rolex, Omega and Breitling are affluent males age 35-44 with an above bonny income and a high socio-economic status. This segment is worth $316. 25 million or approximately 13. 75% of the luxury watch market (Affluent Consumer, 2009). For the complete breakdown of this segment value, refer to Exhibit 2. The approximate income of this affluent target segment is $75,000 or greater, and can be correlated to the education attained and occupation held by a majority of this segment (Affluent Consumer, 2009).Prevalent occupations include managers, architects/engineers/social scientists, and sales representatives, requiring at minimum a college level education (Watch and Clocks, 2006). As luxury watches carry price tags of $1000 or more, a sizable salary is a critical characteristic of this target segment as larger salaries account more disposable income for luxury goods (Watch and Clocks, 2006). Interests of this target segment include active lifestyles in refined athletics such as golf, tennis, yachting, equestrianism as well as exploration (http//www. rolex. om/) This target segment is highly concerned with status and is driven mostly by fashion and association with a luxury brand. In fact, 53% of this segment considers designer labels as defining a luxury purchase (PPT). This not only illustrates this segments savvy awareness of luxury products, but also illustrates the likeliness of these consumers desiring symbols of wealth. According to WWD, the needs, losss and desires of men purchasing luxury watches are seemly increasingly focused on technicality and functionality of the timepiece, in addition to its specific brand.The fashionable consumer trend rivet solely on designer labels seems to be at the end of its lifecycle. The marketing by luxury watch brands has resulted in more educated customers today who know that a designer brand name does not necessarily mean a quality watch. This segment is in the process of shifting into the connoisseur category, as the customer perception of a fashionable watch is shifting towards qualities such as artistry and craftsmanship, having hand-loomed mechanical movements, and having a guileless or timeless design. Men in this target segment want to be seen as collectors of watches.They justify high price purchases as seeking a safe harbor in high-quality watches as an investment in precious metals that appreciate in value instantly(Diderich, 2011), quite a than a squander of money. This segment also views luxury watches as a representation of their identity needs in striving for high self-esteem. As one luxury watch dealer commented you can drive a Ferrari, but you cant drive it into a board meeting(Spitznagel, 2012) This drives these consumers to reach the answer and ultimately a long standing relationship stage of the brand equity pyramid for their luxury brand of choice.In considering the buying decision pro cess, this segment recognizes status and high self-esteem as needs meet through purchasing luxury timepieces. Following this recognition, the information search process commences. As credibility and expertise had the greatest impact on respondent purchase intention(Gautschi,2005), consumers in this segment seek sea captain advice from sales associates at retail end-points in order to evaluate alternatives. Following the purchase decision, availability of epair serve for example, is also valued as consistent high-quality service throughout the long-standing relationship with the brand would exceed expectations and only strengthen and foster positive post-purchase behaviors and feelings. Competitive Analysis Although there are at least 40 global brands in the luxury watch segment, the largest and most impressive competitors, with the largest American market shares, are Swiss. three direct competitors in the Swiss luxury watch market are Rolex, Omega and Breitling.Due to the simi lar price of these three brands, the consumer in the target segment must often distinguish and select one of these competitors. Rolex U. S. A. , Inc. Rolex has positioned itself as the exclusive luxury watch brand for those with a high socioeconomic status that offers a classic and prestigious watch which validates their hard work and accomplishments. Rolex is the best known luxury watch brand and holds the largest share of the US market at 29. 3% (FOOTNOTE THIS CALC).This is a result of their reputation as the first wristwatch to be certified with Class A preciseness (Liebeskind,2004) and because they have historically limited their yearly intersection despite high demand. To maintain consistency between the target segment and the messages of Rolexs advertisements, 75% of their brand ambassadors are 35 years of age or older (Gautschi, 2005). These endorsements show individuals who have achieved success as a result of hard work and dedication. The attributes of their ambassadors a re willfulness, determination, self-control and the ability to excel beyond average performance.This resonates with the reality and desires of the consumers who view a Rolex wristwatch as the prize something one gets as validation for their accomplishments. As it has been shown that 60-70% of individuals who regularly follow golf are also those able to afford a luxury watch (Gautschi, 2005), Rolex has built strong associations with the game of golf, sponsoring players, such as Tiger Woods, and tour events. Furthermore, the association with golf ambassadors portray success and determination in the context of a gentlemans refined sport.Rolex is rated as the most desirable brand and has spent $47 million on advertising to maintain this standing (Thompson, 2012) . scorn making the largest advertising expenditure in the industry, Rolexs market share growth rate in America has declined from 5% in 2010-2011 to 2% in 2011-2012 (World Watch Report, 2012). This is compared to consistent grow th from Omega and an explosive emergence in the U. S. market by Breitling. Although Rolex has not targeted a different age group, a new wave of 35-44 year olds have come into focus.With needs far different from that of the former group, Rolex has done slight to address these new needs, wants and desires. Omega Omega has positioned itself as a sophisticated luxury watch brand focused on reliability and craftsmanship that offers those with a high socioeconomic status a trendy, neo and technically superior watch. As of 2011, Omega holds 14. 6% of the U. S luxury watch market-share and attempts to be seen as a more fashionable and more modern brand than that of Rolex (World Watch Report, 2012). The companys marketing is heavily focused on associations with other well known brands, people and organizations.Although they target much the uniform audience as Rolex, Omega differentiates themselves through their brand image. The company emphasizes the dependability of their watches throug h the association of the brand with the NASA space program, and as the longest standing official timekeeper of the Olympic Games. Both of those organizations require clearcutness and reliability of the highest standard, while being seen as trustworthy by these organizations resonates with Omegas consumers. Recently, the brand has responded to changes in consumer preferences by emphasizing the technicality and edification of their watches as well.Association with NASA has also been key in this regard, and their brand has enjoyed a significant competitive advantage through an endorsement by Neil Armstrong as being the first watch used on the moon. Furthermore, horologist George Daniel, inventor of the co-axial escapement, a revolutionary watch mechanism, became yet another brand ambassador and further differentiated Omega from its competitors in terms of technicality and sophistication. Omega also strives to target a different psychographic than Rolex. The majority of Omegas ambassa dors are younger males, and their key attributes encompass suaveness, sophistication and hedonism.For example, the Omega has a long-standing association with the James Bond enterprise, as both Pierce Brosnan and Daniel Craig have been ambassadors for the brand. Further differentiation can be illustrated in looking and the various advertisements Omega produces compared to those of Rolex and Breitling. For example, while both companies have produced athletic advertisements, Rolex emphasizes the difficulty and eventual achievement, while Omega illustrates the pleasure derived of particular undertakings (Exhibit 3). BreitlingBreitling has positioned itself as a luxury timekeeping instrument brand for those with a high socioeconomic status and offers professional chronographs focusing on precision and high performance that dare men to live like navigators, aviators, and adventurers. Breitling commands 10% of the U. S. luxury watch market in 2011, ranked fourth behind Rolex, Omega and Car tier. What is remarkable about Breitling is that they have only tardily moved into this position, having increased their share of consumer interest by 8% from 2010 to 2011 (World Watch Report, 2011).This increase can largely be credited to significant advertising spending in 2010. Second only to Rolex for spending, the campaign worked to build brand awareness, and was coordinated with the launch of Breitlings first branded boutique. (Media scan, & http//search. proquest. com/docview/820311288). Broadly, Breitlings core brand emphasizes professionalism with their media image and product design. Originally intended as a brand for aviation instruments on private and moneymaking(prenominal) planes, the association to technicality is driven home in their slogan Instruments for professionals (http//www. reitling. com). As professionals typically use null less than the best tools to do their jobs, Breitlings watches are almost inextricably associated with masterful craftsmanship. This i s predominantly reflected in the product design of their flagship models, which are significantly different from the flagship models by Rolex and Omega (Exhibit 4). Breitlings most notability ambassador is actor John Travolta, who is well known for his private hobby of owning and flying planes (travolta. com).He is a acquainted(predicate) household name, and so helps consumers to relate to the brand, as well as maintaining consistent brand associations with the concept of aviation. Although Breitling has dominate the box market of affluent males whose interests and/or aspirations encompass aviation and aircraft, Breitling has expanded its brand beyond this niche category and into the larger and more general exclusive luxury segment. More recently, Breitling has begun to evolve its core brand image of strictly instrumental aviation timepieces to navigational watches capable of multiple functions.Specifically, Breitling has begun to position themselves within disciplines such as s ailing, space exploration, underwater diving and most recently, motorsports (luxury watches overview). Most notably, they are partnered with ultra-premium car manufacturer Bentley Motors through the co-branded Breitling for Bentley Motors product line, which has been the most visible shift in Breitlings marketing in the last 10 years (Exhibit 5). This captured the prestige and exclusivity portrayed by Bentley, transferring these aspects into a luxurious and fashionable timepiece, while maintaining Breitling intricacy (Exhibit 6).Breitlings rapid growth in market share in just a single year can be largely credited to two factors. First, changes in market trends and perceptual shifts of consumers desiring watches of a more technical nature (refer to target segment analysis) have given Breitling an advantage over competitors who are keep to simply rely on their brand name to drive recognition and ultimately sales. As consumers move more educated, they begin to see the value of a well made, functional and intricate wristwatch sort of than one simply bearing a well known name.This market shift is to Breitlings advantage, as their value proposition has always been offering intricate and technical watches. Secondly, Breitling has not been passive in their brand promotion, having increased their exposure through advertising expenditures that improved brand equity. It is Breitlings consistency that helps consumers to not only become aware of the brand, but go through the steps of building their own unique relationship with it as well. These two factors have resulted in the 8% growth of Breitling in the luxury watch segment, make the company to advance upon its competitors Rolex and Omega.
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