Thursday, November 28, 2019
European interactions with Africa free essay sample
The Europeans exploited and conquered much of the African continent. They were able to conquer Africa through imperialism which is a process of invasion, attack and exploitation for natural resources. Africa had many natural resources that Europeans wanted to themselves and the only solution they came up with was to conquer Africa. Europeans explored and exploited Africa for a variety of reasons. They did this to spread Christianity, to civilize the African people, to gain wealth/power and to fulfill the need for slave labor n the New World colonies.Europeans wanted to spread Christianity and they did this through the 4 Cos which are Christianity, civilization, commerce, and last but not least conquest. The Europeans converted Africans to Christians to get rid of paganism. They set up churches, medical clinics, and urge about the end of slave trading. Europeans believed Africans to be paternalistic and by introducing them to Christianity they felt this would better them. We will write a custom essay sample on European interactions with Africa or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page They exploited Africa for resources like copper, rubber, a faster sea route to India, ivory, gold, and diamonds. In retrospect, they conquered Africa for more land to use for their own benefits. Some regions of Africa were easier to conquer than others, for number of reasons, such as the regions geographic location, potential barriers, access to technology, and the presence of diseases. The closer the region was to Europe the easier it was for Europeans to conquer it. However, there were barriers which made it much more difficult to conquer other regions. These barriers were deserts due to the fact that the climate was hotter, mountains because it made it more difficult to get over them, and mom river systems were rapid which also made it harder due to the fast current.Europeans had unlimited access to technology considering that they were much more advanced than Africa which in fact was another reason why it was easier to conquer. Another hurdler Europeans encountered in their quest was the presence of diseases which they were not immune to causing some of the Europeans to die. Africans responded normally to the invasion just like anyone else would feel if someone just rand omly came and decided to take over your house. Although there were four groups that stood out in particular that we know of.Which were Gongs King Fanons, Saints Kingdom, Ethiopia, and Zulus. King Fanons tried to slow down and or attempt to stop the invasion/transatlantic trade through non violence which as you can tell didnt do much considering that Africa was still conquered by the Europeans. Saints kingdom also reacted without using violence; however, they were smarter about it because unlike the Offings, the Senates traded with the Europeans. They exchanged slaves and gold for bare arms to come more powerful since they didnt have access to technology like the Europeans did.Ethiopians also used a non-violence approach to try and stop the slave trade by forming an alliance with the Europeans. Emperor Mainline began to modernize the country he did this by importing weapons and European officers to train his army. While the Europeans were there they built roads, bridges, and they even set up a school system which eventually led them to be the only nation besides Liberia to declare their independence. In conclusion Europeans and Africans had many different interactions with ACH other.Whether it was through trade, natural resources, getting conquered, and slave trading. Even though Europeans conquered Africa, thousands of years later Africa split into many different countries and became independent. Still till today Africa has many natural resources, last week they found the worlds biggest diamonds. Africa had many natural resources that Europeans wanted to themselves and the only solution they came up with was to conquer Africa. Which is why the biggest diamond found in AFRICA made it to the Guinness world record book.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Free Essays on Romantic Poetry
worth’s poem â€Å"composed upon Westminster Bridge†and William Blake’s â€Å"London†though both abo... Free Essays on Romantic Poetry Free Essays on Romantic Poetry Romantic poetry essay Romantic poetry is all about the feelings that the poet is trying to provoke not the story that is being told. Most people would say that romantic poetry is supposed to be about romance and nature. Yet a writer could write a poem about a city or death and it could still fit into the romantic format. New age poets are all into the story that is being told and not into the feelings that the poet was trying to provoke. They also want it to fit the specific format of romantic poetry, which is romance and nature. But romantic poetry is also about feelings not talking about them but using them as reasons for writing the poem in the first place. A romantic poem can sometimes not fit the romance and nature specified structure but it will fit the feelings category, which is most often overlooked. Robert graves a new age poet criticizes William Wordsworth’s â€Å"the solitary reaper.†He says that it is too wordy†¦ but how can a romantic poem be too wordy? When the poem is trying to provoke and draw forward feelings from the reader. He says that the whole story that is being told in the poem could have been told in about  ¼ the amount of words. But without using the words that he used it would have been just a boring short story not a romantic poem. Graves asks how can Wordsworth say such things as â€Å"behold her!†and â€Å"O listen!†when there is no one else there but him and his highland lass. As many new age poets and readers do people will go into the poem and read into the story too deep. When they read they concentrate too much they have to let the words flow through their mind and let them bring up feelings and thoughts. William Wordsworth and William Blake were great romantic poets; they were able to create romantic poems even if they did not totally fit the romantic poetry form. Wordsworth’s poem â€Å"composed upon Westminster Bridge†and William Blake’s â€Å"London†though both abo...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Marketing management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Marketing management - Assignment Example According to Michman, Mazze and Greco (114), market orientation refers to execution of promotion theories to provide a coordinated achievement of both personal and social goal within the organization. Market orientation also takes into consideration the move taken by rivals of the company and engages plans that will result to better performance than their rivals. The aim market orientation is to focus on the desires of the consumers and produce those products they desire while monitoring the actions of the rivals to ensure they don’t take over the market (Kwon, 76). Unilever is a London-based company dealing with consumer goods and have several branches in other different parts of the world (Hitt, Ireland & Hoskisson, 345). They have excellent management marketing that interconnect building of products name, carrying out promotion activities, developing new products , packaging and designing marketing approaches to generate cash for the organization. The company management has also incorporated market orientation in their managerial activities whereby the marketers scrutinize what their clients love and demand to know why they love it (Hitt, Ireland & Hoskisson, 411). This enables them to make the products that suit the needs of the
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Mars and Google Earth Project Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Mars and Google Earth Project - Research Paper Example From the discussion it is clear that the main differences between the two pictures are that the formation of the different features are caused by s different climatic conditions. In the Mars, there are no man made properties hanker some of the features within the Mars are naturally caused. However, there are some features within the natural earth structure that are likely to influencing the formation of different structures. Laval flow is one major cause of such features within both the earth and Mars respectively. The earth is habitable and therefore life is possible on earth because of the favorable climatic factors contrary to mars.This study stresses that in both planets the mountain features under study formed as a result of volcanic activity. That is when hot molten rocks finds its way out through earths crust and cool off to form a hard rock. Subsequent activities result in more and more pile up of lava forming a mountain. In planet m ars as the mountain rise due to deposits of layers of lava, it exerts a lot of weight on the subterranean basement system at the base of the mountain. This results in some further landforms e.g. valleys etc. similarly the same phenomenon may result in fault lines leading to sinking of the earth to form a valleys of which the great rift valley of east Africa is a typical example. Formation of volcanic mountains therefore exhibit similar formation in both planet earth and mars. In contrast Martian planet has no vegetation cover and no visible rivers, sea or oceans exist.a
Monday, November 18, 2019
Rational Database Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Rational Database - Assignment Example The journalists write the story of the news they collect and enter it into a form. After they write their stories, they submit it to the database by pressing the â€Å"submit†on their screens. Immediately they press the "submit"; the data enters the database. The data is stored in the database in tables that are called store tables.  These tables are organized to have the headlines, the dates, the venues and cities, the content, the images and other attributes of the story. Then the query that will display which information is written down. Therefore whenever a visitor visits the website, the query runs and will show the news as HTML to him when he strikes on the query.  There are important things in choosing it as a good primary key for the database. First, it is unique; there is no other ‘formula 1’. Secondly, the key will be easy to see and easy to access the information from it. It will also be used as a link to the story in the table that cannot be written directly.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Strategic Development History Of Apple
Strategic Development History Of Apple This report will explore the strategic development history of Apple Inc. (previously Apple Computer, Inc.), its current strategies and form the basis of Apples future strategy in the form of strategic recommendations which Apple Inc. can persuade to get sustainable competitive advantage and higher growths in the future. The success of a strategy is determined by the companys initiative actions, how well it anticipates competitors responses to them and how well companys anticipates and reacts to its competitors actions. In strategic development we will analyse how Apple establish a framework for setting its direction and determined the criteria to take strategic decisions. After having analysed it, the report will depict its current strategic situation by doing macro and micro analysis and on the basis of it, the possible future recommendations will be suggested. Introduction: Apple Inc. is an American multinational corporation that designs and sells consumer electronics, personal computers and computer software. It is best known for its products like iPhone, ipod and Macintosh computers. The company was established in April 1, 1976 in Cupertino, California and incorporated in January 3, 1977. As of September 26, 2009, Apple had 34,300 full time employees and 2,500 temporary full time employees worldwide1. It had worldwide sales of $42.91 billion in its fiscal year ending September 26, 20092. It has more than 284 retail stores3 as of January, 2010 and online store where software and hardware products are sold. The financial Data of Apple Inc. for 2009 are as: Financial Data of Apple Inc. for 20094 Financial Fiscal as Ended on 26-09- 2009 Total Revenue 42,905m Gross Profit 17,222m Total Cash Flow 2,997m Net Income 8,235m Total Asset Value 47,501m 1 2 Revised Request Quarterly Income Statement Apple Inc. January 25,2010. 3 Apple Tablet Media Event Today. Come See Our Latest Creation MacRumors. January 27, 2010 accessed on [17 July 2010] 4 Strategic Development Overview: Apple Inc. has managed to create substantial value in the highly competitive consumer electronic and computer industry by innovating and forging a path considerably different from those of the largest competitors in the industry, successfully differentiating its products from those of the competition by choosing to focus on quality, superior customer service and design elegance while outsourcing actual manufacturing to most trusted original equipment manufacturers. Even though despite of this fact Apple has created for itself, the stiff competition within the industry and other external factors present formidable challenges to the firm. The Early Years 1976- 1980 Apple I was the first computer introduced by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronal Wayne. It was sold as the motherboard with Central processing unit (CPU), RAM and the basic textual video chips. By the end of 1970s Apple had a staff of computer programmers and designers and a production line. After Apple II they introduced Apple III in May, 1980. The main competitors for Apple were IBM and Microsoft competing for market share. In 1984 Apple launched Macintosh which was initially sold well but the follow up sales were not strong. The computer industry destiny changed when the Laser writer were introduced. The Mac was powerful in the market due to its advanced graphics capabilities which was already necessarily built in to create the intuitive Macintosh GUI. At that time it has been suggested the combination of these three products was caused for the creation of desktop publishing market. As the desktop publishing became widespread, the sale of Apple has reached new heights and the comp any has offered its first public offerings in September 7, 1984. The reason for the Apple sustainable growth due to its leadership in the education sector, attributed to adaptation of LOGO programming language used in many schools with the Apple II. 1986- 1993 A Move in Strategy After the failure of Bulky Macintosh, Apple changed its strategy and offered Macintosh Portable in 1989. In 1991 Apple introduced PowerBook which made the basis of the modern form of ergonomic layout of laptop computer. In the same year Apple came up with its new operating system System 7 which added colour to interface and enhanced the networking capabilities. It was remained the architectural basis for Mac OS up to 2001. The success of PowerBook brought huge revenues for Apple and it seemed that nothing go wrong with Apple at that time. MacAddict a famous magazine named the period between 1989 and 1991 as the first golden age of the Macintosh. The Apples strategy to attach the market with other products like digital cameras, portable CD audio players, speakers and video consoles did not work well for Apple. The main focus of Microsoft was to gain market share with Windows, focusing on delivering software with cheap commodity where as Apple was even though was rich in engineering matter but was bit expensive. 1994 -1997 Reinvention Apple put its step in the PDA market by introducing Apple Newton which was one the first in the industry. Apple has started working on other platforms by the early 1990s such as A/U. It was needed at that time to replace the platform for Macintosh or reworked to design a powerful hardware to run the Macintosh. 1n 1994, Apple allied with Motorola and IBM. The aim was to create a new computing platform Power PC Reference Platform which would use IBM and Motorola hardware coupled with Apples software. The AIM alliance worked for Apple and Apples software left the PC far behind. Apple introduced Power Macintosh the first time of many Apple computers to use IBMs PowerPC processor. Apple adopted a new built -to- order strategy in November 10, 1997 by introducing Apple store which was tied to its overall strategy. 1998- 2005 A New Start Apple introduced iMac a new all in one computer reminiscent in August 15, 1998 [5] . The iMac was equipped with new technology and groundbreaking design. Near about 800,000 units sold in first five months and returned Apple to profitability for the first time since 1993. In this period Apple purchased several companies to create a portfolio of professional and consumer- oriented digital production software. In 1998, Apple announced the purchase of Macromedias Final cut software giving a new signal of entering into the digital video editing market. The following year Apple had released two video editing products, one is iMovie and the other one is Final Cut Pro for the professionals. Around 800,000 users had been registered with this software by the start of 2007. Apple has opened its first official store in May 19, 2001 in Virginia and California. In the same year Apple has introduced its first iPod portable digital audio player. This product has given a new success to Apple as more than 100 million units were sold within six years. Apple has a strategy of bounding the customer to its products and doing a business a different way. Apple has given a new theme to music industry business by introducing Apples iTunes Store whereby you can download music for US$0.99 song integration with iPod. Apple has become the market leader in the online music services due to it with over 5 billion download by June 19th, 2008. 2005 -2010 New Era Apple has taken another move in its strategy of dominating the market by announcing on June 6, 2005 in the Worldwide Developers Conference that Apple would start producing Intel- based computers in 2006 [6] . MacBook Pro and iMac became the first Apple computers to utilize Intels Core Duo CPU. By 7th of August 2007 Apple had transitioned the entire Mac product line to Intel chips. The day Apple announced its iPhone and Apple TV its share price hit $97.80, an all time high at that point and in May that price went up to $100 mark [7] . A next step to its success was selling the third party applications for its iPhone and iPod touch. Within a month, 60 millions application sold on this platform and brought in $ I million dollar on average. Three months later it was announced that Apple has become the third largest mobile handset supplier in the world due to the popularity of the iPhone [8] . Apple added a one more milestone in its success by targeting the market with its new iPad on January 27, 2010. It runs the same touch based operating system as iPhone and many of the application of iPhone are compatible with the iPad. On the launch day more than 300,000 units sold and this figure reached to 500,000 by the end of the first week [9] . Situational Analysis: Apple is one of the most successful companies of the time that bucked the traditional notions of what a corporate culture should look like in terms of organizational hierarchy. After doing the macro (PESTEL), industrial analysis we would be in a position to clearly analyse its current position and suggest further recommendations. Environmental Analysis: PESTEL Analysis For doing environmental analysis of Apple we will use the PESTEL analysis along with keeping of global forces as well. Demographic Economic P/Legal Environment Threats Opportunities Economic 1. Signs of economic turnaround are present but many consumers are unconvinced and spending less. Apple always sell products on premium prices so it may be out of consumer prices range 1. Economic recovery will cause spending. Apple innovative and high quality products attract the customers Demographic 1. Flattening of wages- Levelling Influence 1. Rising prices and stagnant leave workers and families with less money to spend on perceived luxury goods. 1.Apple known for high quality, dependability and long lasting products will attract customers seeking value for their money Political/Legal 1.Potential FCC Internet Regulation 2.Healthcare Reform 1. FCC internet regulations may stifle innovation on the internet, reducing new methods for Apple to capitalize the power of internet. 1.Apples useful portable device could be leveraged in modern healthcare settings, funded in part by government money, increasing demand Technological 1.Device Convergence 2.Shortening Product Lifecycle 1. Apple broad line of devices may become obsolete with the advent of multi-use portable devices. 2. Increased pressure to innovative may result in missed opportunities and inventories losses. 1. As a leader in portable devices Apple can innovate and lead the way in platform. 2. High RD commitments may propel. Apple led the industry by out-innovating competitors. Socio cultural 1.Increase desire for on-the-go devices 2. Greater concern for the environment. 1. Apples portable computers may lose relevance among new on-the-go devices. 2. Device manufacturing will be equated with pollution and climate change. 1. Apple can lead innovation in on-the-go devices utilizing RD portable knowhow. 2. Apples lead in environmentally- sound practices will be a marketing advantage. Global 1.Developing Chinese economy 2. Potential worldwide climate regulation. 1. The developing Chinese economy will require higher wages for factory workers. 2. Emissions regulation will impose huge burdens on Apples production costs. 1. Massive population with increased buying power for Apples products. 2. Apple has already made steps to improve environment- friendliness can be used to the firms advantage. Technological Global S/Cultural Industrial Analysis: For industrial analysis we make use of Porters five forces framework to assess the different forces that affect the overall industry in which firms operate. Porters Five Forces: Threat of New Entrant To analyse the threat of new entrant we have to consider the different barriers that make this threat nominal to sever. The barriers are Economies of Scale Apple had already experience of manufacturing mass- market consumer electronic devices, so Apple was not adversely affected by this barrier. Product Differentiation This trait goes in favour of Apple because Apple is the leader in the innovative products and Apple has certain amount of protection through the strength of its brand identity. But this product differentiation can be emulated to a certain degree. Capital Requirements Apple enjoys a slight advantage here but it may be quickly lost. If we talk about other companies they might have experience in manufacturing cell phones but not necessarily software. To compete with Apple they have to invest a lot on this sector. Second Apple is a leader in innovation as it uses to spend a huge capital on RD which is huge barrier for the new company to spend a significant amount of capital on RD. Access to Distribution Channels Apple remained successful in gaining access to a distribution channel and they also tied themselves exclusively to a single cell phone network. So the new entrant will have to take some time to reach to this level. So having analyzing these barriers we can say that the threat for new entrant for Apple is low to medium. Bargaining Power of Suppliers: The main supplier of Apple Inc. is Intel for microprocessor chips and Apple has strategic alliance with Intel and Microsoft as Microsoft enable Apple users to use the Microsoft Windows operating system on its machine. So, Apple has to be very careful in managing its relation with these suppliers especially with Intel. So the bargaining power of suppliers is medium. Bargaining Power of Buyers: The bargaining power of buyers is low as its only Apple which always come with new innovative products. Even though its true that there are many competitors of Apple in the market for different products but even then people wait for Apples new invention. So, clearly the bargaining power of buyers is low in case of Apple. Threat of Substitute: The threat of substitute is high as Apple products are the premium products and there are lot of companies that are making products like mobile phones (iPhone) which are very similar in functionality and in shape. Second companies like DELL, ASCER and Microsoft has started penetrating in the mobile market shrinking the market share of Apple. So keeping in view of todays scenario the threat of substitute is higher for Apple Inc. Competitive Rivalry: The competition among the giants is very fierce and everyone is fighting for large market share through intensive price cuts and changes. The competitors of Apple are Microsoft, HTC, Dell, NOKIA and others. The competition is becoming tough and tough as most of the companies which were specialist in PC related stuff have started coming in the mobile and PC tablet market. Due to this the competition has become tougher and for more market growth and share, everyone is ready to take any sore of moves like price cuts, technology change, etc. The last step to evaluate the company position in conjunction to its industry we do the SWOT analysis which will depict what sort of strength/weaknesses it has what kind of opportunities and threats it has from its surroundings. Potential Entrant Threat Medium Threat of entry COMPETITIVE RIVALRY HIGH SUBSTITUTES High SUPPLIERS Low BUYERS Medium Bargaining Power Bargaining power Threat of substitutes Porters Five Forces Framework for Apple Inc. SWOT Analysis: Strengths Ease of use High Corporate Reputation Leader in Innovation and market leader Loyal customer base Strong Top Management Creative Style Weaknesses High prices Limited Distribution Channels Compatibility issues (e.g. with IBM) Poor Quality Control/Assurance Opportunities New social devices iTunes Distribution International markets Internet Growing industry Demand for innovation Threats Economic Situation Intensive Competition Potential Litigations Potential increase in supplys costs. Price competition Value Chain Analysis: Value Chain Activity Corresponding Firm Practice, Policy/Procedure General Administration A greener Apple reduction in energy use in production and transportation to match trend in green business. Strong cash position allows the firm to internally finance expansion and development without cost of capital. Human Resource Management Selective hiring process find and attract talent Generous employee benefits program retain industry-leading talent. Technological Development Research Development expenditure increased about 66% from 2007 to 2009 Patent filing protection of important inventions and innovations in the US and worldwide Procurement Positive relationships with suppliers EICC member, working to improve working conditions, created and enforces a Supplier Code of Conduct. Inbound Logistics Automated receiving systems reduce facility footprint and space requirements. Delegate raw materials acquisition offer supervision to OEM partners who carry out acquisition. Operations Utilizes OEMs economies of scale offshore production to save money on costs of build. Internal design design and conceptualize products internally Outbound Logistics Economical/Stylish Packaging eye-catching packaging takes up less space and weight, reducing shipping costs and costs of disposal. Apple Stores/Authorized Retailers working to maintain standards over presentation of products for sale. Direct shipment ship products from China to consumer to minimize inventory build-ups in costly locations. Marketing and Sales Get a Mac Ads Various direct/indirect favourable comparisons Strategic Choices: Taking its environment, industry and value chain analysis we may give some options available to Apple Inc. for its future growth in terms of more market share and profitability. These are given as: Reducing the costs of its products and maintaining the same quality standards. Opening of more retail shops for easy access and more physical presence. Providing facility for customization of its different products like Apple Mac Book and others. Consumer electronics diversification. Option 1: Reducing the costs of Products Apple has that kind of brand which attracts everyone but the only problem is the premium prices for its products. Apple can hit the market segment which can afford reasonable prices which we can say not much low and not too much high. By slightly reducing the prices and maintaining the same quality Apple can further dominate the market and achieve more market share. By doing it the major benefit that Apple will achieve is further brand awareness and customer loyalty. Evaluation of option 1: (SAF test) A useful way of looking at evaluation criteria is to view them as falling into three categories: Suitability, Feasibility, and Acceptability Johnson, G., and Scholes, K.(1997) As far as the suitability of this option is concerned, then lowering the prices will be suitable for Apple Inc. because most of competitors of Apple they start making the same products design wise and technology wise with lower prices. The company get two benefits with this strategic option. First it will get more customers who like Apple products but cant buy due to higher prices (means more market share) and the other benefit is killing the competition. So, in my point of view this option fulfils all the three parameters of SAF test. Option 2: Opening of more retail Shops By providing more points of direct contact with the buyers will enable Apple to provide better service to customers and bring the Apple more customer and experience to more people. Apples retail stores have been largely successful, that success can be furthered in new locations within USA, UK and other countries. Apple should practice great caution to avoid over- saturation to retain the halo surrounding the stores and maintain their status as a destination. Evaluation of option 2 (SAF Test) By introducing Apple stores provided Apple with an important physical presence to act as both point of sales locations and an advertisement. Opening of more retail outlets will provide Apple more control on the image of brand and provide excellent customer services. Apple comes in the top retailers in- stores sales, generating $4,032 per retail square foot per year, beating other retailers like Tiffany Co. At $2,666 and Best Buy at only $930. [10] Matching success and impact like the Apple store model is hard for others to achieve. Apple possesses all resources like capital and top management to consider this option which can prove one step further in its growing success. Option3: Customization of products Dell has taken a lead from all its competitors in providing customized products to its customer through its website. Dell has set a model for its competitors. Apple can contribute to this area by offering customised products like Mac Book and other through its website. In this way you are buying your customer and giving them what they want. The customer will be more satisfied and happy with the services. Customization will provide efficient value chain management and reduces the inventory level. Evaluation of Option3 (SAF Test) Today is the day of internet and most of leading companies are trading through their websites. Now a days the customers are well IT equipped and more aware. They buy what they want not what the gives. By offering customized products you are giving the customer what they want and biding them. Apple has great intellectual assets, so it is easier to come up with business model which will facilitate Apple to provide customized products to its customers. Secondly it will require minimal capital but its results will be outstanding. There is only one time cost and life time rewards attached to this option. So considering all these aspects, this option is quite good for Apples future growth and sustainable competitive advantage. Option 4: Consumer Electronic Diversification Apple already has a well positioned diversified strategy, but it can broaden its scope while creating value in related and unrelated markets including eBooks and medical equipment. We just examine its current diversification beginning with full sized desktop computers to now a days notebook computer, mobile phones, digital music players, iPad. Despite of this broad range of diversification, opportunities are still there for Apple to avail in further diversification. Evaluation of Option 4 (SAF Test) If we take United States or UK the medical equipment and related devices are growth area of economy. As new healthcare legislation is enacted the importance of modernizing our system will come to forefront. Apples innovative and high quality portable devices would provide excellent platforms for care providers to get benefit of streamlining care. In order get more value from this area and to reduce the capital investment Apple should work with medical equipment manufacturers and core providers to establish Apples devices. Apple can open its portable and mobile platforms for development of unique and efficient medical tools using a combination of new digital medical technologies and current technology of connectivity. Good examples of future products can be digital thermometers and blood pressure monitors that connect through USB to Apple device to automatically log measurements and do real time analysis based on historical values to identify trends. Apple can take advantage of being first mover in this kind of products. After presenting the different aspects we may conclude that this option is valuable for Apple Inc. Recommendations: Based on the above analysis, it is recommended that Apple Inc. formulates a strategy of offering customized products to its consumers to gain more customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. Consumer specific customization and hardware packaging- increase product diversification and eliminate threat of competitive alternatives. It will help Apple to strip certain features and hence reduce costs. The sales will be increased and Apple will a far larger customer base. Secondly it should gain access to additional distribution channels and sales outlets in the international markets (International Presence). It has substantial presence internationally but still has to be introduced in many Asian countries including China, Arab countries and most of Africa. Apple should drive down the costs per unit to enable price reductions and attract more customers. In this way it will not capture more market share but also beat the competition increasing in the market. It should exploit its RD to innov ate, should create products with similar usability but at lower costs. Especially in the deep recession period people might respond better to lower prices. It has no doubt that Apple is very good in introducing excellent design and innovative products but we have seen a consistent problem with Apples quality control and assurance department. So, Apple should stress on improving in this area to preserve its brand image as well as to win the customer confidence on its products.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Wright Brothers History :: History
The Wright Brothers As an up and coming journalist for my hometown paper, the Dayton Daily, I was thrilled to learn that my first major article would be on none other than Dayton’s very own Wilbur and Orville Wright. The year was 1896 and the Daily wanted me to write an article on the brother’s bicycle shop, The Wright Cycle Shop, which was gaining popularity among the locals. Although I was excited about being given my first assignment, I couldn’t help but feel a little disinterested in the subject. I mean, bicycles had been popular for some time now and there were already scores of publications and articles on the two wheeled wonders. I didn’t want to write a same old song and dance article. I had ambition, talent, and drive. I wanted to write an article on something that would change the world, something people knew very little about, something inspiring. Although I couldn’t wait to make a name for myself, I decided to put my dreams of grandeur at bay and focus on doing a great job on my first assignment. When I met the two brothers, originally from Indiana, they were pleased at the idea that their cycle business would be the subject of attention for a newspaper article and they agreed to divulge any information that would help me write the piece. As the day went along I remember asking the brothers if they believed they would stay in the bicycle industry for the remainder of their foreseeable future and Wilbur’s answer is what introduced me to the brothers’ true passion. It was only a few words but at the time I couldn’t help but thinking how radical and ridiculous it sounded, â€Å"We want to fly.†I could scarcely believe it but I was intrigued so I pressed them for more information. They began to tell me about their following of Otto Lilienthal record setting glides in Germany and their intr igue in the subject of flight. Skepticism filled my head but as a journalist, I knew that this was practically uncharted territory and if the brothers were to make strives in manned flight, I could possibly be in on the ground floor. I simply couldn’t pass up this opportunity so I talked the brothers into letting me check in with them from time to time in order to keep me up to date on their progress. Wright Brothers History :: History The Wright Brothers As an up and coming journalist for my hometown paper, the Dayton Daily, I was thrilled to learn that my first major article would be on none other than Dayton’s very own Wilbur and Orville Wright. The year was 1896 and the Daily wanted me to write an article on the brother’s bicycle shop, The Wright Cycle Shop, which was gaining popularity among the locals. Although I was excited about being given my first assignment, I couldn’t help but feel a little disinterested in the subject. I mean, bicycles had been popular for some time now and there were already scores of publications and articles on the two wheeled wonders. I didn’t want to write a same old song and dance article. I had ambition, talent, and drive. I wanted to write an article on something that would change the world, something people knew very little about, something inspiring. Although I couldn’t wait to make a name for myself, I decided to put my dreams of grandeur at bay and focus on doing a great job on my first assignment. When I met the two brothers, originally from Indiana, they were pleased at the idea that their cycle business would be the subject of attention for a newspaper article and they agreed to divulge any information that would help me write the piece. As the day went along I remember asking the brothers if they believed they would stay in the bicycle industry for the remainder of their foreseeable future and Wilbur’s answer is what introduced me to the brothers’ true passion. It was only a few words but at the time I couldn’t help but thinking how radical and ridiculous it sounded, â€Å"We want to fly.†I could scarcely believe it but I was intrigued so I pressed them for more information. They began to tell me about their following of Otto Lilienthal record setting glides in Germany and their intr igue in the subject of flight. Skepticism filled my head but as a journalist, I knew that this was practically uncharted territory and if the brothers were to make strives in manned flight, I could possibly be in on the ground floor. I simply couldn’t pass up this opportunity so I talked the brothers into letting me check in with them from time to time in order to keep me up to date on their progress.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Wedding Day
Wedding Day Every little girl dreams about her wedding day. I was no different. An Indian marriage is performed with great funfair. All people whether rich or poor want it to be a memorable occasion. My wedding day was the most joyous day of my life. Since then, I have learned that such moments do not happen all the time. It is important to enjoy them. My wedding day was fulfilled with many emotional including happiness, sadness, fear, and excitement. My wedding has been the most blissful time of my life. However, it seemed to be a complete blur.It all happened very quickly from the moment I was engaged to the moment we walked around the sacred circle on my wedding day. The wedding was put together in only ten days. I spent those ten days with my fiance and my future in-laws getting to know each other. We spent time visiting temples and shopping in preparation for the wedding. We shopped matching wedding dress. Our wedding dress was red and white color. I also spent much of that time with my family and many relatives from out of the town. I met so many people.There were over 2000 people that attend our two day wedding ceremonies. Almost everyone from our families to our friends helped celebrate. On that day I was very nervous to go front of my fiance but inside of my heart, I was very happy. I was going to start my new life. Not only were many of dreams coming true, but also I was fulfilling my father’s hopes. He also wished that I settle in the United States for a better life. I will always remember the joy in my father’s eyes that day. While I was having the time of my life, a part of me was both sad and fearful.I was disappointed my older brother was unable to attend the biggest day of my life. He was living abroad and could not make the trip back because of immigration issues. I was also sad because I realized that I would need to leave for the US. I had always lived in our small village for my entire life. It meant that I was leaving my life behind. I had to leave my family, friends, and relatives. It was very difficult for me to pack up my life into two suitcases. I didn’t even know when I will come and see my family and friends again.I was also a bit scared to start my new life with my husband. I had only known him for a short time and his family members. With anything new, there is always fear of the unknown. Everything I knew was about to change. For example, new family members, new roles as wife, language, life-style and also new country. I even had to learn about the new culture. I didn’t cried much when I was leaving my family and friends on my wedding night than I cried when the final day came to going the airport and coming in the United States. I had cried a bunch when I left my country.On the other side, I was very excited about coming to the United States. It would be a beginning of new chapter of my life. Before coming into the United States, I had only seen how life would be on TV. I am very thankful to my parent. They are the one who think about my better future in the United States. I couldn’t wait to see all the amazing things United States is famous for like the statue of liberty, space center, and Disney world. I was very thrilled about meeting new people, making new friends, and trying new food. I was also anxious to start my married life. I wanted to be a perfect wife.I look forward to taking care of my husband and his family such as cooking, cleaning, and also help with some other works. I was very excited to meet his all friends and family friends. My wedding day was everything that had dreamed up. I went through many emotions such as happiness, sadness, and excitement. I have learned not to fear the unknown. Instead, I should embrace new opportunities. I continue to believe that things always come out for the best. I feel very bless for life. For my better life, I am thankful to my parent. In the end, it has been a most memorable and life changing event of my life.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Outsourcing benefits outline Essay Example
Outsourcing benefits outline Essay Example Outsourcing benefits outline Essay Outsourcing benefits outline Essay The Benefits Of Outsourcing Thesis Research shows that there are several benefits, including cost savings and expertise, to outsourcing certain tasks and departments. Main Points Lower cost for advertising opposed to setting up a new department Higher quality by using a company that specializes in specific operations Maximize efficiency Audience Hook Saving money is making money. Outsourcing is a great way to do this, as research shows companies that outsource certain tasks save money and enjoy greater avenues, with the benefit of higher skilled work. Using outsourcing to save money o Lower payroll outsourcing companies typically offer excellent client service, are available around- the-clock, and provide essential services at a lower cost than internal operations. (Outsourcing Company, n. D. ) o No need for additional office space As budgets for development of in-house marketing specialists decline, access to an outside providers lower cost structure is one of the most compelling reasons for outsourcing.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
A Proposal For Gender Mainstreaming In Company Xyz Social Work Essay Essays
A Proposal For Gender Mainstreaming In Company Xyz Social Work Essay Essays A Proposal For Gender Mainstreaming In Company Xyz Social Work Essay Essay A Proposal For Gender Mainstreaming In Company Xyz Social Work Essay Essay Economic growing is a cardinal engine of development and important to cut downing poorness UNIFEM, 2009. Promoting womens engagement in the labour force and increasing adult females s incomes hold a critical potency for poorness decrease and economic growing, including constructing an independent and feasible Palestinian State. Most of the clip, adult females s economic chances are much less than their capablenesss, in economic footings, this is inefficient, because increased adult females s employment reduces poorness and contributes to faster economic growing. Women themselves gain from their employment chances and so do work forces, kids, and the society as a whole. Higher income for adult females improves the state of affairs of their households ; taking to greater passing on household public assistance, nutrition, and instruction ( UNIFEM, 2009 ) . Investings in gender equality and adult females s authorization have a multiplier consequence on the develop ment advancement of a state, but unluckily, the mechanisms disadvantaging adult females s engagement are deep-rooted in most of our local establishments and organisations. I believe that gender inequalities and favoritism exist in cardinal establishments such as household, community, authorities and markets, and it is most seeable in political relations and employment. This papers comes to function the constitution of a baseline for gender mainstreaming in our company, it provides recommendations to steer future action in developing and implementing a comprehensive vision for this company. This papers will seek to clear up the importance of heightening gender mainstreaming in our state in general and company in peculiar. It will seek to give some thoughts about how this can be achieved and what are the long and short term consequences. It besides aims to supply an attack to research, preparation, action and protagonism to accomplish an apprehension of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women ( CEDAW ) which is used as a tool to beef up adult females s staff rights in this establishment. Introduction Power exists and works at different degrees including political, institutional, family and single degree. Unfortunately, adult females most of the clip are non given this power, therefore they are far from determination devising procedures and entree to resources within all the above mentioned degrees. Furthermore, there are still cases where the human rights of adult females are non acknowledged in Torahs, societal patterns and sometimes national policies. As portion of the uninterrupted attempts to progress rules of equality and non-discrimination and fight misdemeanors of the human rights of adult females that are widespread in different establishments, this papers comes to function the betterment of our capacity to mainstream gender, the recommendations contained in this papers are intended to help our company in developing a scheme which includes gender mainstreaming as a agency to accomplish our vision, mission, equal chances and 50/50 balance at all degrees by twelvemonth 2011 . From an organisational position, our company should be committed to being an equal chance employer, but the managerial indorsement is a requirement for accomplishing this mission. This proposal is designed based on CEDAW Convention which is one of the most widely ratified human rights pacts ; it is a comprehensive measure of rights for adult females. It is based on the rule of equality between work forces and adult females and on the impression that adult females experience peculiar signifiers of favoritism because of their gender, it sets the construct of equality of chance and consequences. The CEDAW Convention recognizes that despite legal rights being granted to adult females in many states where favoritism persists. It acknowledges that adult females s entree to legal rights is frequently limited by the denial of adult females s human rights to economic and societal development. Hence, the Convention bridges the traditional division between civil and political rights, and societal and economic rights, and mandates both legal and policy steps to vouch the human rights of adult females ( UNIFEM, 2009 ) . CEDAW Convention focuses on systems, political orient ations and establishments that perpetuate favoritism. It acknowledges that public histrions such as the State and its establishments, every bit good as private histrions such as communities and corporations, can go against adult females s human rights and deny adult females s entree to chances. It besides recognizes that inequalities adult females face are socially constructed, and that societal, customary and cultural patterns which are based on the thought of the lower status or the high quality of either sex, have a negative impact ( UNIFEM, 2009 ) . Aims and Definitions The United Nations Economic and Social Council ( ECOSOC ) define gender mainstreaming as aˆÂ ¦the procedure of measuring the deductions for adult females and work forces of any planned action, including statute law, policies or programmes, in all countries, at all degrees. It is a scheme for doing adult females s every bit good as work forces s concerns and experiences an built-in dimension of the design, execution, monitoring and rating of policies and programmes in all political, economic and social domains so that adult females and work forces benefit every bit and inequality is non perpetuated. ( ECOSOC 1997 ) . Most of the clip, gender is non good understood as a construct, it is frequently confused with sex or it is taken to intend women s issues . However, sex refers to biological classs ( male, female and neuter ) while gender refers to a set of qualities and behaviours expected from a female or male by society ( Engender Development, 2000 ) . Gender functions are learned and are affected by instruction, civilization, faith and economic sciences. While an person s sex does non of course change, functions associated with gender are socially determined and can germinate over clip ( Notes from the talk by Dr. Baboun, 2009 ) . Gender functions and outlooks are considered obstructions to the equal rights and position of adult females that affect their lives, households, socioeconomic position and wellness ( UNIFEM, 2009 ) . On the other manus, gender equality refers to the construct that all human existences, both work forces and adult females, are free to develop their personalities and do picks without the restrictions set by stereotypes, stiff gender functions or biass ( Engender Development, 2000 ) . Gender equality means that the different behaviours, aims and demands of adult females and work forces are considered and valued every bit without any favour. Gender equality does non intend that work forces and adult females have to go the same, but instead that their rights, duties and chances will non depend on whether they are born male or female ( Notes from talks by Dr. Vera Baboun, 2009 ) . Therefore, adult females s authorization as a construct includes: geting cognition, apprehension of gender dealingss and the ways in which these dealingss may be changed ; developing a sense of dignity, a belief in one s ability to procure desirable alterations and the right to command one s life ; deriving the ability to bring forth picks and exerting dickering power ; developing the ability to form and act upon the way of societal alteration to make a more merely societal a nd economic order, nationally and internationally. ( Compiled from different UN information webs ) . What is the current company s position in gender mainstreaming? From the preliminary research that I have conducted, I believe that the company lacks a clear vision of the gender mainstreaming ; it lacks capacities in gender issues where both adult females and work forces require consciousness ; besides most of the adult females staff are unable to act upon of import decision-making procedures in add-on to unequal entree to resources and services. This is due to the deficiency of cognition and apprehension of rights, unaccessible and irrelevant Torahs and ordinances both on the company and the state degrees. It is critical to understand that gender mainstreaming requires: Strengthening gender equality at work ; Supporting adult females s engagement in decision-making ; Strengthening adult females s staff through capacity edifice ; Targeting work forces with activities for the intent of gender equality ; Enhancing and increasing adult females s voice at all degrees ; Increasing adult females s chance to obtain nice and productive work ; Bettering adult females entree to protection and justness. To accomplish organizational gender equality, means to do certain that adult female and work forces are every bit represented at all the degrees of our organisation and bask equal chances in footings of calling growing, professional and personal development. It is of import to take into consideration, that gender equality is non merely 50/50 balance, but it is to hold staff on board, both adult females and work forces, whom are cognizant and supportive to the construct. From here, I would wish to ask for our direction to take the lead and act strongly to pattern a coveted direction civilization towards mainstreaming gender across this company. What should be done? I would wish to suggest the undermentioned points in order to mainstream gender in this company at all degrees: Through an external adviser, conduct an internal self-assessment through: I ) a questionnaire that is distributed among all staff ; two ) participatory follow-up focal point group treatments ; and iii ) semi structured interviews. In this manner we assess and examine the internal institutional civilization of our company. Afterwards, we must back the gender appraisal and findings by the company s senior direction and staff. This includes airing of the completed gender appraisal every bit good as understanding on the intercessions prioritized by fixing an action program. Along with this, is the demand for understanding on institutional agreements and resource deductions every bit good as monitoring and rating procedures. Strengthen the company s internal capacity for gender mainstreaming through engaging a gender focal point. The gender focal point must be at a sufficient degree of influence to guarantee the company s gender mainstreaming policy is operational. Her or his cardinal undertakings might be: I ) carry frontward the recommendations of the appraisal ; two ) provide ongoing capacity to staff ; three ) set up and develop a cognition base on gender equality ; four ) set up and develop a working relationship on gender equality and adult females s authorization ; V ) develop a adult females s authorization programme and place possible funders and resources ; six ) build capacity to supervise and measure the gender position and often describe to direction. Develop guidelines to clear up the company s gender policy to guarantee the full acknowledgment, enjoyment and exercising of rights contained in the CEDAW Convention ; take stairss to reprobate and take necessary actions to rectify misdemeanors. Guidelines must guarantee that the rules of gender equality and a rights-based model, as embodied in CEDAW and other relevant international instruments, are mainstreamed into the policy and activities of the company. It should exemplify the company s gender mainstreaming policy and what it means ; it should hold sufficient information about gender inequalities in Palestine in relation to our forte and in general. Besides, it should be reader friendly including definitions of cardinal footings and the know-how to incorporate gender mainstreaming into everyday processs and operations. The company s policy requires dedicated resources for adult females s authorization. Cardinal intercessions in this regard should include: capacity edifice for ge nder mainstreaming and the development of a cognition base that facilitate planning in relation to gender. Review and revise operational processs peculiarly in relation to human resources and procurance. Behavior for human resources a gender appraisal and take action to turn to inequalities. The human resources must reexamine the places of all employees in relation to rate, wage ; preparation, publicity position and a set of recommendations should be proposed and endorsed by direction. Such a survey will assist us to place abnormalities, unfairnesss and take actions to rectify them. The publicity and interview panels should be 50/50 work forces and adult females in all places to guarantee that the company becomes an equal chance employer. Procurement unit should take stairss to carry its spouses to go equal chance employers. Besides the company s direction should back the debut and publicity of initiation period and classs. Therefore human resources must put aside 4 or 5 yearss to let new recruits to finish the compulsory preparations and to familiarise themselves with our policy. We must guarantee that gender is reflected in the footings of mention, occupation descriptions and in the interview procedure. The thorough survey for all the human resources Torahs and ordinances will assist us to place the cause of the misdemeanors or favoritisms. There might be certain places and classs within the company that are gender biased either in favour of work forces such as ( drivers and security staff ) or adult females such as ( administrative places and janitors ) , besides there might be indicants that work forces are graded higher than adult females for similar work and have a faster path to publicity. We must guarantee that the company s enlisting and publicity board has equal representation of work forces and adult females. Such reappraisals will assist us to amendment Torahs that are inconsistent with commissariats of the CEDAW Convention in add-on to the discriminatory applications. Form an in-house gender support group that work with employees that might be abused or harassed, such group can move as internal hearers for gender that define term of mention, provide reding services, protection, medical aid and legal assistance. Supply ongoing orientation on gender for staff through some obligatory preparation classs for the both the current and new comers employees. Ensure that the compulsory preparation classs are taken under supervised conditions by all employees and preparation records are reviewed and easy accessed. A gender analysis should be made to place who is profiting from preparation and stairss should be taken to guarantee that work forces and adult females have equal entree at all degrees. There should be compulsory exercisings within the organisation that covers the subjects of sexual torment, gender mainstreaming, adult females empowerment, communicating accomplishments, etcaˆÂ ¦ Such preparations will reenforce one another, better gender dealingss in the workplace and aid set uping good working patterns between work forces and adult females. In add-on to heightening accomplishments, there should be processs and mechanisms in topographic point together that support and reflect gender in mundane work. The Public Relations section should work with the media to do certain that our vision and attempts in gender mainstreaming is seeable. Our company s policy could be used by other organisations and establishments as a theoretical account. Design particular activities for work forces, it is indispensable for adult females s authorization to guarantee that the work forces co-workers accept adult females as equal spouses. Supply some services that are considered critical for adult females such as supplying quality twenty-four hours care services with low-cost costs, increase their entree to preparations, portion clip work policy, adjust the length of pregnancy and paternity paid leave in add-on to supplying transit. Long and short term impacts of gender mainstreaming Through gender mainstreaming we demonstrate our committedness to advancing adult females s human rights. We will be a existent protagonist for national mechanisms in gender mainstreaming and adult females empowerment and we will be one of the innovator companies that supported the promotion of gender equality and the publicity of human rights, we will be a theoretical account and we can carry on preparations and presentations about our experience. We will supply chance to bring forth greater consciousness of the CEDAW Convention at the organisation degree and promote greater coherency in the Palestinian National Authority policy and action in this field. Obstacles and restrictions During our work in gender mainstreaming and gender equality, we might confront opposition by some employees that might decline to collaborate. Human resources records might be hard to entree and some employees might be threatened in this exercising ; they might fear that they will lose their occupations. Therefore, our attempt should be gradual with uninterrupted updating to employees to cut down the tenseness and anxiety. We might confront some fiscal jobs due to the figure of preparations, classs, workshops, transit, gender adviser and other related costs. But this can be easy solved, since we can raise financess to carry through these undertakings, particularly that there are many international organisations and UN organic structures that are willing to back up such attempts. Decision Gender favoritism remains relentless in many dimensions of life. The nature and extent of favoritism vary across parts, provinces and establishments. But the form is striking, where no part in the underdeveloped universe are adult females equal to work forces in legal, societal, and economic rights. The spreads are immense in entree to and command of resources, economic chances and commanding power ( Engender Development, 2000 ) . It is of import to cognize that adult females should hold equality in chances, equality to entree chances, and equality in consequences. All establishments must extinguish any favoritism, exclude and curtail the actions that contribute to the glass ceiling for their development and impede their attempts. It is of import for all establishments, including our company, to see maximising the potencies of CEDAW, this should be done in ways that promote adult females s functions in the human rights arena by supplying them with chances to actively originate and re commend for their ain rights in systematic ways. All establishments must be cognizant of certain issues to guarantee strategic usage of CEDAW, including the demand to develop normative criterions of rights, promote consciousness among employees that will reflect ethical issues that push our company and even our province frontward. It is critical to reform establishments, including our company, to set up rights and chances for adult females and work forces. Reforming economic establishments is necessary to set up foundations of equal rights and chances for adult females and work forces because the domestic jurisprudence uninterrupted to give unequal rights in different facets of life including employment and economic chances ( Engender Development, 2000 ) .
Monday, November 4, 2019
Evaluate the extend to which Altman's Z Score and Argenti's A Score Essay
Evaluate the extend to which Altman's Z Score and Argenti's A Score become useful to different groups in the society and also comment on the extend to which the - Essay Example Ratio between 1.8 and 3.0 are considered in the gray area of the scale, the closer it gets to the 1.8 barrier the greater the risk of the company going bankrupt. The Z Score model which was created by Edward Altman in the 1960s is pretty accurate in real world application the model was able to successfully predict 72% of corporate bankruptcies two years prior to the companies filing for chapter 7 (Investopedia, 2008). The Altman Z Score tool integrates know financial ratios into the equation whose utilization in the equation give the predictor credibility among the financial industry users. Professor Altman used the Z-score tool he created to develop a model differentiating companies with high probabilities of bankruptcy from companies that are not prone to this type of hazard. Altman’s Z Score determines the likelihood of bankruptcy by utilizing five metrics commonly used by financial analyst to determine five particular financial ratios. The data to the financial ratios is directly extracted from the financial statements of a company. The five variables composed of financial ratios that make up the formula are illustrated below: The metrics involved in the formula are derived from the Income Statement and Balance Sheet financial statements of a company. The tool is both applicable to financial statements of manufacturing and non-manufacturing corporations. The Z-score model substitutes the book value of equity (owner equity) for market value in X and thus it can be used to evaluate privately and publicly held firms on an equal basis (EPA, 2000) The Altman’s Z score is a useful tool for the banking industry. Banks have to make decision on the credit worthiness of corporation in order to determine if a company is eligible for bank loans, credit lines or vehicle financing among others. By utilizing the Z Score tool the bank would know that if a company scores in the low 2 the enterprise is high risk type endeavor.
Friday, November 1, 2019
Labor issue paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6500 words
Labor issue paper - Essay Example Analysis of resemblance in cases where workers were reinstated and kept on the payroll, and features of cases where workers resigned, despite their intention to return, revealed that whether or not the workers were allowed an opportunity to argue about labor conditions with their employer in a group before their dismissal probably has a significant effect on the possibility of reinstatement. 1. Introduction Based on cross-country comparisons regarding which out of compensation and reinstatement is primarily granted as a remedy for unjust dismissal, it was revealed that remedies in Japan are reinstatement-centered. A ranking on a scale of one to four regarding the possibility of reinstatement in cases of unjust dismissal among 40 OECD and non-OECD countries shows that 9 countries, including Japan, are ranked first as countries where reinstatement is possible on almost every occasion. Some of the 9 countries also offer options for compensation depending upon types of dismissal and inte nt of workers2. However, in Japan, reinstatement is always possible regardless of types of dismissal and intent of workers and, therefore, it is safe to say that remedies in Japan are reinstatement-centered. In Japan, courts have decided that dismissal without rational reasons and social adequacy is not valid. Also, workers unjustly dismissed in Japan may claim compensation for damages. Further, it has been said that many workers do not choose the option to return to their former employer or quickly resign after reinstatement even if the court rejects the dismissal as invalid. This goes to show that reinstatement-centered remedies do not always entail high rate of actual reinstatement. How often does reinstatement take place and what are the decisive factors of reinstatement possibilities? Driven by these questions in mind, the author investigated how often reinstatement is realized and the effectiveness of reinstatement remedies in the past3. Though direct investigation of dismisse d workers was not possible in that investigative study, the author had a chance to hold interviews of dismissed workers later4. This study is aimed at describing decisive factors of possibilities of reinstatement5 that are implied by data acquired through the interviews survey. In Section 2, a brief overview of findings of Yamaguchi (2001) is provided and data used in this study are described. In Section 3, findings regarding the correlation between Japanese employment practices and reinstatement-centered remedies are reviewed. In Section 4 common factors among cases where returners keep working in their former organizations are considered. In Section 5, reasons workers did not return to their former positions despite their actions to the court for reinstatement are discussed. The last section is the conclusion. 2. Findings of Yamaguchi (2001) and Data Used in This Study For Yamaguchi (2001), the author could not directly contact the dismissed workers and, therefore, made questionna ire surveys and interviewed14 lawyers familiar with labor issues: 9 lawyers primarily working for workers and 5 lawyers primarily working for employers. This study defined the primary factors of possibilities of reinstatement as follows: (1) Employer factor: level of employer's acceptance of reinstatement; (2) Dismissed worker factor: (a) the fact that some workers seek to return to their job as a remedy but others do not, and (b) persistence
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